I need 'suicidal' black metal bands...

The first Dissection is pretty depressing in a good way. You know when all hope is lost but you're still to much of a pussy to kill yourself or even try to change.

You're just fuct.
The Greys said:
You know when all hope is lost but you're still to much of a pussy to kill yourself or even try to change.
Haha. I know exactly what you mean. I'm there myself right now. Life sucks so much that I don't feel like dealing with it, but I'm too much of a pussy to do myself in.
I think Sigh has a song called "Suicidogenic" or something. So there you go. I don't know if it's depressing or not because I've never listened to it. But it's on my iPod so I'll listen to it soon. I'll get back to you later.

While not really black metal Peccatum - Lost in Reverie has some very depressing pieces.
Erik said:
No. Nyktalgia sounds more like Strid than anything else...

I have never ever heard most of these bands mentioned on any forums or underground metal sites of any sort, where do you find this shit?
BlackMetalTyrant said:
I have never ever heard most of these bands mentioned on any forums or underground metal sites of any sort, where do you find this shit?
You will see PLENTY of discussion of such underground black metal on the Metal Archives forums. Also, I find out about underground metal bands by browsing users' files on Soulseek and looking up the bands I haven't heard of in the Metal Archives.