Emotional metal

PanzerKunt said:
Get a new haircolor.

And he claims the army is gay, I guess you guys prefer having 9/11s every once in a while instead. Get a lyef you too.

Because gay people can't fight? Is that what you're saying? Further, what's a lyef? And finally, yeah, we DO need a 9/11 every once in a while.
lyef clearly is not life. This is obvious by a simple observation. If lyef was life, then lyef would be life, and not lyef.
PanzerKunt said:
And he claims the army is gay, I guess you guys prefer having 9/11s every once in a while instead.

Yah, cos the army could really stop another 11/9.

You yanks write your dates wrong too. That really needs fixing.
It makes sense NOT to change it more than the system itself doesn't make sense.

Trust me, I see the flaws in it, but it's pretty insignificant and it simply would never catch on. *cough*metricsystem*cough*
Susperia said:
The month comes before the day... Therefore putting it first makes more sense. It's like getting from A to B to C.

no it doesn't. When you're speaking a date you say 'the 9th of May', surely it should be the same when writing it in number form.