Emotional metal

I like emotional music now and even music with cunts singing. Not emotional music as in stupid emo punk bands either.

I don't dress emo or wear eyeliner. My hair is long but that's not emo.

morbid angel is great but it's fun to just listen to something normal or something without a drummer going TAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAPTAP



AAAAARRR(i'm a pirate)

When i'm in an FYE and they're playing Enya I like it. If anyone has a problem with it just die!

I like Liv Kristine and the gathering too
I think clean vs. harsh vocals play a big role in setting the mood of a song. This isn't always the case, but I find clean vocals are much better at conveying emotion
Killbot said:
no it doesn't. When you're speaking a date you say 'the 9th of May', surely it should be the same when writing it in number form.

Right, because no one ever says, "May 9th."
Blinded By Blood said:
I think clean vs. harsh vocals play a big role in setting the mood of a song. This isn't always the case, but I find clean vocals are much better at conveying emotion
Both clean and harsh vocals can be effective. Sometimes harsh vocals can be even more effective. Take the band Mourning Beloveth (whose music sounds more emotional than any other metal band I've heard), for instance. I think that their harsh vocals convey more emotion than their clean vocals.
I have to say thanks to the OP for this thread!

I know it's old but I searched tonight for emotive metal and this was pretty far up the search list, so thanks man!

Been in a really dark place for the last year and some of the songs that have really helped - and have drawn instant emotion at times - are;

Linkin Park - Waiting for the End
Avenged Sevenfold - So far away
Avenged Sevenfold - Fiction

I'm a guy with very varied tastes - rock, metal, nu, classics but also classical, opera, rap/hip-hop, etc (just none of that pop/dance/manufactured crap!!!)

To all that have post before and to all that may now add to this - hi, thanks, don't be a douche, etc!
