Suicidal/Depressive Black Metal?

Check out DRUDKH's album FORGOTTEN LEGENDS. Doesn't get any better than that. I play this album when I feel like meditating.
Ahh you bastard! that LP is worth so much these days, i have the Deathspell Omega - Inquisitors Of Satan LP & Abyssic Hate's Suicidal Emotions LP. Got no Moonblood vinyl apart from the Split with Katharsis & The Split with Inferno & The Fullmoon Witchery Bootleg. One day ill Get Taste Our German Steel.....if i can afford 1000 Euro for an LP!

how much out of curiousity, I need to fund my euro trip in June, somehow :)
Check out DRUDKH's album FORGOTTEN LEGENDS. Doesn't get any better than that. I play this album when I feel like meditating.

I was surprised no one had mentioned Burzum.. but Drudkh are pretty awesome too. Or were.. I stopped following them after Blood in our Wells (which was still pretty sweet though). A lot of good bands have already been mentioned and I can't really think of any obvious additions off the top of my head.. except maybe Inward Escape. I have their Sacred Nothing tape and it's pretty sweet..

No wait.. no one mentioned Forgotten Tomb? For shame! One of the leading bands of this subgenre..