Guys, I need your best black metal and I need it now.

stuff already mentioned that I like: Ulver, Emperor (nightside eclipse only, for the most part), and Satyricon. Solefald and DHG have great ideas and help advance the genre, but ultimately aren't too hot IMO.

the last couple records from both Immortal and Enslaved are pretty great. both those bands started branching out with their songwriting and have been doing really interesting things. I also like Zyklon (samoth's new band), tho they are more death metal.
the last couple records from both Immortal and Enslaved are pretty great. both those bands started branching out with their songwriting and have been doing really interesting things.
yes, espeacially Enslaved is(frankly I didn't listen to Immortal). Since Madraum, Enslaved is must listen.
Windir - any album. They are quite good

Emperor... newer stuff is more polished, and really cool.. old stuff is also good, but raw

Leviathan- Pretty poor production... very good stuff though.

Graveworm- Good production, sort of mediocre... but nice.
What I mentioned in your other thread:

Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
Jazz + post black metal. Very long linear progressed songs with very harsh male vocals and etherial female vocals (sounds like I'm describing Napalm breast brigade metal but that couldn't be further from the truth).

Korova - Dead Like an Angel
Devil Doll-esque post black metal. Sounds like Arcturus a bit, but far more bizarre and with an obvious Eastern European slant. Sounds like old crazy people singing to little children to corrupt them or something like that. VERY hard to get into.

KorovaKill - Waterhells
Same band, different name, some different members. A lot more straightforward, this one destroys. The Devil Doll influence is still obvious, but the music is more simplistic (not a bad thing considering how out there their previous albums were) and more textured. The middle section tries a bit too hard to be bizarre with more keyboard based songs with amazingly bizarre vocals, but the metal bits surrounding them utterly rule.

Nagelfar - Strontgorrth
Burzum meets ebm. Very mellow electronics based industrial at times, raw folky vikingish black metal at others.

Lux Occulta - The Mother and the Enemy
Jazz + trip hop + post black. Very rigid technical metal parts with some skillfully played electronics. Absolutely worth a listen or few thousand.

Also more additions:

For Ved Buens Ende, the thrill was always in the music, not the vocals. The bass playing in particular is astonishing. Virus is much better, but not black metal in the slightest. Get Virus, but don't expect the vocals to be normal.

Solefald are my personal favorite post black metal band, they utterly fucking RULE beyond belief. Here's how I'd rank their albums from 1 - 10:
The Linear Scaffold - 8 / 10
Neonism - 10 / 10
Pills - 7 / 10
In Harmonia Universali - 10 / 10 (I wrote a review of this one at check it out)

My top 5 black metal (post, viking, whatever are):
1. Solefald - Neonism
2. Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale
3. Ulver - Bergtatt
4. Enslaved - Monumension
5. Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant

Get those five, they are all impeccable.
ChromeLife said:
Windir - any album. They are quite good

Emperor... newer stuff is more polished, and really cool.. old stuff is also good, but raw

Leviathan- Pretty poor production... very good stuff though.

Graveworm- Good production, sort of mediocre... but nice.
I really want to hear some Leviathan. I've heard he's put out a new album, so I'll try to check that out.
Dude AndIcried's optical illusion signature is killing my eyes. \

Oh yeah and good black metal is Arcturus and Rotting Christ. Old Man's Child is pretty good along with.....Ancient Rites, although the problem a lot of people have with that band is that they don't like the Gunther's vocals. Kalmah. Definetly Kalmah. They are really great Black Metal, with Death metal elements in it.
well nagle just got me listening to darkthrone. I really enjoy "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" but not as a black metal album--it's really just a great ROCK album. It serves the same purpose for me as listening to Led Zeppelin or AC DC. it's very stupid music but i love it anyway. it's worth buying the cd just for the video interview it comes with.

now if you want to talk black metal, i say Weakling - "Dead As Dreams." It's pretty much the only black metal i can take really seriously. The murky recording is done perfectly so that during the infinite blast beat sections all you can hear is ride cymbal and like 4 tracks of guitar. The chord progressions go on forever which i love. There's also some nice subtley mathy elements (thanks to josh smith who's also in the fucking champs) and nice fast textural leads. the vocals are pretty much my favorite "extreme" vocals ever. so uncontrolled and tortured--howling one moment, screaming the next, always cracking and sputtering.
the best part of the album is the end of the 20-minute title track where they tremelo pick one chord for like 4 minutes and slowly peel away the various tracks of guitar, bass, and keyboards. brilliant.
there are no lyrics printed and that's good because you also cant understand any of the vocals. so the music takes on a great ambiguously dark, and horribly sorrowful atmosphere.
and to top it all off, there are some great doom riffs!

but Grim Shady owns you all.
capeda said:
@Nagle... if you enjoy stuff like Bestial Warlust, I suggest getting Revenge's full length (Triumph Genocide Antichrist). Similar style, but MUCH more abrasive.

I got some mp3s and they were ok. I don't really hear them as being any more abrasive than Bestial Warlust. Sounded like part Man is the Bastard and part Sadistik Exekution (who I definitely should have mentioned above).
Capeda, you might like some of the more abrasive grind/powerviolence/screamo stuff.

Jerome's Dream (mainly the Seeing Means More Than Safety10")

The Locust - S/T (I think the newer stuff is better, like the new CD for instance, but this has interesting harsh production and totally NON cheesy keyboards)

Usurp Synapse/Hassan I Sabbah - split 7" mainly the Usurp side which could pass for kvlt black metal although it would be uncharacteristically chaotic and fast-paced

Spazz - everything (this is better recorded than most black metal)

Crossed Out - Not super fast but definitely really abrasive

Man is the Bastard - anything
I should probably get that Weakling record. they were totally awesome when I saw em open for Enslaved and everything I've heard recorded by them is good.
avi said:
I should probably get that Weakling record. they were totally awesome when I saw em open for Enslaved and everything I've heard recorded by them is good.

holy crap! you got to see them?? i whish i had. what were they like live (stage presence, audience banter, etc...)?
Weakling's stage presence was mediocre, but the songs were obviously great. they didn't do any stupid make-up or posing, so that was nice, too. Just a solid show, nothing fancy, no banter or anything.