Installing VST's onto a mac. HELP!!!


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
how the hell do you do it? at college and they cant afford to buy any so i've been given the task to find some good free ones. now i've found a few and downloaded them, but were do i put the .vst files? i searched the steinburg folders but i cant find anything to do with VST.

if you know were to put the vst files help will be very much appreiciated!

cheers guys!
you might have to use a VST wrapper first. im not familiar with steinburg so there might be another way. is the native format for steinburg VST or Au?
drag and drop em whereever your vst plugin folder is.
dont use cubendo so i cant help more then that
Nouman has the main directory. If you want though you can right click on the main cubase application, then hit show contents. Plug ins-VST (drag them in).

This is nice because you can organise your plug ins. However only cubase will find them this way.

BTW if anyone knows how to tell Pro Tools what organisation you want for plug ins let me know cause I hate where they get put (and in multiple directories).