Mac formatted Maxtor Harddisk on my PC?


Aug 3, 2005
Holland, Zwolle
I have a Maxtor harddisk that was being used when recording our lates cd in ProTools. We recorded on a Mac. There are 3 songs we didn't put on the album and i want BlackNeonBob to fool around with these songs.

Problem is i can't use the Maxtor because it is Macformatted and i want the wav-files on my PC.

Do you guys now of any programs that lets me acces the harddisk?
I searched the internet with no succes.


KillDivision said:
I have a Maxtor harddisk that was being used when recording our lates cd in ProTools. We recorded on a Mac. There are 3 songs we didn't put on the album and i want BlackNeonBob to fool around with these songs.

Problem is i can't use the Maxtor because it is Macformatted and i want the wav-files on my PC.

Do you guys now of any programs that lets me acces the harddisk?
I searched the internet with no succes.



a friend of mine has a mac and a pc. I think he uses a programa called " MacDrive " the problem is the file transfer from Mac to PC?
That's not difficult...
I presume you use Mac OS X??

Share a directory on your PC, make sure the firewall let's access go from the IP address from the mac (found in system preferences > network) and then go to your desktop find NETWORK > WORKGROUP (or MSHOME or any other your network is configured to) access your PC..drag the WAV files in there.

If you need to burn, use Toast...can burn for MAC & PC cd's/dvds's.

If you want it the other way around, your PC accessing your MAC...go to System Prefernces (dutch option is called I think it should be something like SHARE) -> and select Windows-sharing. And you can access your MAC from you PC in Network neighboorhood, and you'll see your Mac User home directory.

Some options might be named a little different since I'm directly translating from my dutch.

Hope this helps, if not..I did all the typing for nothing :)
if the situation were reversed you'd not have had to even ask how to do it.... Macs recognize and mount PC (Fat 32 and others) formatted drives with no problem.
DUDE, GET RID OF THE MAXTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Maxtor drives are well known for their fuck-ups. I had a Maxtor 160gb 10k RPM SATA drive in my PC that I used only for the OS and to store renders/mixdowns/bounces. It fucking died on me a week or so ago with the error "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME", the fix was to put it in another PC as a slave, and when Windows boots up it runs Chkdsk on it. I put it back in my case, the PC booted up like normal, and I started backing up stuff to DVD-R. I left the house, came back, and it had frozen like 20 minutes after I left. The PC will NOT boot up anymore now. The drive is gone, it's just fucking gone! Non-repairable. My girlfriend's mom is dating this guy from Dell, he's what you call an "anti" employee, which means he works for a place and promotes it, etc., but he'll tell you every little secret you're not suppose to know, especially the loop holes for customers. He's a tech guy, a real nerd, and he said once a drive does that once, it'll only work that one more time, giving you enough time to backup anything you want. Then it's all gone.

On a sidenote, I had ordered a really nice WesternDigital drive, same storage and RPMs...but Dell threw that POS Maxtor in there. My advice, make sure to backup everything on that drive that you don't want to lose and get a different brand (Seagate/Glyph, Western Digital), it just might happen to you too.

Moving far as the question you posted, I have an external 250GB FireWire400 drive that I use for tracking and it has my DFHS stuff on it. I have had ProTools sessions from my PC on it, and then I've plugged it into my Mac, and the Mac read it fine. Even wrote to it! I could copy files, put new files on was neat. But when I had it formatted for my Mac, and tried to do that with the wouldn't even recognize the drive was connected. Using all 4 FW400 ports, and trying all 8 of my USB ports. Then I wiped the drive using my Mac, and plugged it into my PC, and it saw it, then I could format it for Windows (NTFS) again.

Macs are friendlier than PC's, they share n stuff. Thats what I learned from that.

KillDivision said:
This morning i used MacDrive, but MacDrive is not for Harddisks, only for cd-r's.
What? You can use it for harddisks... At least that's what their website says...and my friends who have used it for such...
"Need to access a 500GB Mac-formatted hard drive on your Windows PC or just need to grab a few files off an old Mac-formatted floppy disk? MacDrive 6 for Windows enables PC users to open, edit, and save files on Mac disks (HFS/HFS+). Works on CDs, DVDs, hard drives, floppies, Zip, Jaz, ORB, SyQuest, and more."

There's also MacOpener which I've used before to get stuff off my Mac Firewire drive (maxtor no less).
Gomez said:
I use an application called Trans Mac. I use it in a regular basis with no problems - just works.

Nevermind, that's the one I used, TransMac. Downloaded the demo and it worked just fine.

Apparently MacOpener is another program that does the same thing, I knew the name sounded funny.
James Murphy said:
if the situation were reversed you'd not have had to even ask how to do it.... Macs recognize and mount PC (Fat 32 and others) formatted drives with no problem.

And during the recognition process, Macs produce a perfect horny clone of Halle Berry naked that serves shots from her belly button. :grin:

I've done this is the past without any problem. You do have the maxtor setup as a slave. Right?
Okay wankers, thanx for the replies.
I tried TransMac and it worked. I can acces the files but they are some sort of ProTools files. I expected wavefiles, dumbass me.:cry:

I'll get the harddisk (in a couple of weeks) to a friend who has a Mac and Protools, so hopefully he will be able to convert them into wavefiles.

Thanx to you all.:worship: :worship: :worship:
KillDivision said:
Okay wankers, thanx for the replies.
I tried TransMac and it worked. I can acces the files but they are some sort of ProTools files. I expected wavefiles, dumbass me.:cry:

ProTools Session files or SDII (Sound Designer) files?

ProTools generally makes a main folder that everything goes into and inside that is the Session File, an Audio Folder (with all the audio files) and a Fades Folder.

If it's just the session files your friend won't be able to convert to Wavs. If they are SDII files you can convert them with Awave: if your Audio Program won't open them, I think many do open SDII.

And if you're recording in SDII files, don't anymore, there's no advantage but plenty of disadvantages, always record WAV.
Thanx Plastik.

Each song has its own maps called 'audio files' and 'fade files'

Fade files are SD2f, audiofiles are also SD2f files.
With Awave i could open those file, but they are all bits and pieces.
I would need ProTools to get al those files in sync.
KillDivision said:
Thanx Plastik.
I would need ProTools to get al those files in sync.

True true. I've never converted SD2 to Wav but if it keeps the timecode stamp you might be able to put them in the correct timecode locations in whatever you're using on your PC.