Mac or PC user? Pro - Semi Pro - Amateur?


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
So, I'm getting a bit fed up of the constant arguments from people who run around thinking they know everything and claim PC>MAC or whatever other rubbish (most of these are the same people who will run an unchanged version of Andy's C4 settings on a guitar track without even questioning if it's needed).

So here's the question: I'd like to know who uses what platform for recording and your professional status. Also, throw in your age aswell I can't be bothered looking for the last age thread we had round here.

Pro means that engineering is your MAIN source of income, Semi Pro means you work often but don't earn enough to quit the day job and Amateur means you don't earn anything.

Personally I'm a Mac user and Digital Performer is my sequencer of choice. I'm a professional engineer and I have been engineering for over 4yrs now, I'm 21yrs old.

:cry: :cry: :cry: You are lucky razorjack, I'm only an amateur...I'm an old man and I prefer now playng with my band....
I'm full time. 50/50 music/post production. And full time it's kind of... ermmm.... fulll time - normally 70 hours a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I also play drums in 3 bands, so proper time off is kinda rare.

Not rich, but post production job pais my rent, bills and sometimes leaves some money on the side.

Age 23... (soon 24).

Mac OSX + Pro tools LE + Outboard. I Really like analog equipment and tape (I'm pretty sure some of you have noticed :D )
28 years old, Semi Pro and Ive been using Apple Macs for years with Logic. Made the change from Cubase on PCs about 5 years ago and havent looked back.
pro, been working for about 11 or 12 years, my platforms are Pro Tools HD3 Accel and Digital Performer.. .both running on Apple Macintosh G4 computers.
Pro for 3 years, graduated from bands to production. Use both PC (film trailers )and Mac's (band production)
Matt Crooks said:
Can I get a copy of that Cubase????

whats cubase? sounds really interesting what does it do!? can i get a pentium 1 too? Ive been using a athalon 3500 but if andy sneap uses pentium 1 it must be better and is bound to giv me good results and help me in my quest for world domination in record producing
I'm 22, semi-pro, Nuendo 3 user on a neat tweaked PC, but I don't mind working on Macs/ProTools. ;)

Been dealing with production for about 5 years. The income helps me paying some bills, gas and financing my own equipment growth.

Unfortunatelly is very, VERY hard to become a pro and make a healthy income from production where I live, specially if you don't work for other people and/or refuses to produce populist crap. But I keep trying, eh...