The on going mac vs. pc debate


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I'm super comfortable with Microsoft since I've been using it for a decade now but use macs regularly when I work at a small photography studio and they still feel weird to me. I've owned two macbooks in the past as well.

I would keep going with the pc but I've had some issues in the past that I'd rather not happen in the future. For example, cubase sx3 in XP pro (legit) very few but random blue screens, thank god for autosave.

Now I'm in Vista and from my understanding even Cubase 4 has issues in Vista. I'm so comfortable in Cubase I really don't want to switch, I've tried reaper and wasn't feeling it. I feel like I'd have to build a computer with parts that have no known issues with Cubase even though my c2d isn't even 6 months old.

Now I'm ranting.

Who uses Cubase 4 on a mac?

I recently switched to Mac (Hackintosh) and Logic. Totally stable and Logic is great IMO. This on a 2.13 Core2 Duo.

If you're gonna go Mac, take a hard look at Logic.
I know DSS3, Brett, and LSD-Studio all use Cubase 4 on Macs and don't seem to have trouble, maybe they'll chime in soon!
I made the switch to mac at the same time the 4.1.2 update was released... I know Brett used to have weird problems with the previous version on his mac, but I've never had those :) (The Mhlabs Channel Strip is quite unstable on my setup though)
Cubase Studio 4 (legit) on both PowerBook G4 and PowerMac G5 running 10.4 and have yet to have a problem on either. Don't even need to knock on wood after saying that, I love my Macs :)

I had a Cubase Rep (Greg Ondo) come out to my school today and give a presentation or two. It is pretty bad ass software. I am thinking about getting it. But I won't be buying it until summer.
I run Nuendo 4.1.3 on my mac, no problems with it, but I noticed that the processing is not really fast....anyone noticed that in cubase 4?
I recently switched to Mac (Hackintosh) and Logic. Totally stable and Logic is great IMO. This on a 2.13 Core2 Duo.

If you're gonna go Mac, take a hard look at Logic.

Care to report on your Hackintosh? I love the OS, but the company is turning into the next Microsoft, and will not be getting my money for hardware. I love Logic (bought and paid for a few versions), but I want to build the computer. I have a lot of hardware experience from building dozens of Linux machines, but I'm a little bit nervous about dropping $1200 to build a machine that might not work.
Vista + Reaper is flawless

Word. I have Reaper on Vista now but I just can't get used to the interface.

Care to report on your Hackintosh? I love the OS, but the company is turning into the next Microsoft, and will not be getting my money for hardware. I love Logic (bought and paid for a few versions), but I want to build the computer. I have a lot of hardware experience from building dozens of Linux machines, but I'm a little bit nervous about dropping $1200 to build a machine that might not work.

I've been thinking about spending 2k on a complete hackintosh setup rather then a 24" imac but I'm afraid something won't work correctly.
Care to report on your Hackintosh? I love the OS, but the company is turning into the next Microsoft, and will not be getting my money for hardware. I love Logic (bought and paid for a few versions), but I want to build the computer. I have a lot of hardware experience from building dozens of Linux machines, but I'm a little bit nervous about dropping $1200 to build a machine that might not work.

As long as you have the right hardware, installing OSX is very easy. My setup has been rock solid since the moment I installed it. That's more than I can say about any Windows install on that machine.

Intel 975XBX2 MOBO, Intel Q6600, and NVidia 7300GT (8800 series is also supported) are what I'm using. The installer disc is very easy to find (if you'd like to know which version and where, PM me).

I don't use on-board sound on this machine, so I can't report on that. Safari, Video and CoreAudio (MBox) work perfectly.
Is it possible to use two displays (add an extra display) with the Macbook (pro) laptop?

Oh, and Mac laptops: which rule and which are no-nos? What Mac offers the best efficiency for as little cash as possible? (lap or deskt)

Just wondering if I could manage with a Macbook instead of the Macbook Pro... Your thoughts?