Drum replacement help

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
So I record drums in PTLE 5.3.1. I then switch to nuendo to use aptrigga to replace the drums (PTLE has no VST support). Then I transfer everything back to PTLE. This is a pain in the ass and I've got the cash to do something about it, i.e. avoid using aptrigga altogether.

Now before you guys start bashing me about "oh, you shouldn't use PTLE, use Nuendo instead, this, that etc. etc." can you suggest what is best for me? I figure I've got two choices, but I'm open to other suggestions as well:

1) buy a VST wrapper for PTLE so I can run aptrigga on it. Thanks to the no-search feature in this forum, I can't find the link Andy posted a while back, so if any of you have it, please post here.

2) buy drumagog which works with RTAS and hence PTLE. How much of a load does it put on your CPU btw? Also, is it worth it to pay the extra $120 for the drumagog Pro version as opposed to the Basic.

Which of the options is more viable? I'm hesitant to put a VST "wrapper" on PTLE for the simple fact that I'm still kind of confused on just what the hell a wrapper does exactly and I don't want to mess up my whole computer system...I'm leaning toward purchasing drumagog, but I wonder if it'll be any more useful than aptrigga to me.

Thanks, you guys rule. :worship:
The VST Wrapper is from a company called FXPansion


This little Tool rocks :rock: it's a very good buy! It will not mess up your system!
It just takes the VST Plugins and makes RTAS-Plugins out of them.

A whole new "free" Plugin Dimension will open up for you!!!

I suggest you update your Pro Tools Software as well. 5.x is not as reliable as it should be. Just my 2 cent...

I think Drumagog is a good solution but it's very brutal on the CPU. I would go for Apptrigga.

I hope i could help you...

* "OS X Carbon" and "OS X Mach-O" VST plug-ins on OS X; Windows VST plug-ins on Windows XP. "Mac OS 9" VST plug-ins are not supported.

** Pro Tools and Pro Tools LE versions 6.0 and higher on Mac OS X and Windows XP.

So i guess you have to update your Pro Tools Software...
Ya well I tried downloading the drumagog demo and I can't get that fucker to work. About to pull my hair out. Like 2 hours of trying to figure it out. I guess we all get that feeling what, once every couple months, know what I'm sayin? In deep pirate voice: "AAAARGH!!!!" Do I have it in the wrong folder?????
Yeah so I paid the $35 to upgrade to PTLE 6.4 (XP). The file I'm supposed to be downloading I think is called "support_download/ptle64.zip" but the program turns out to be called "downloads_window" and my computer can't open the file. I wonder if our friends at digidesign messed up the file... The file doesn't have an extension and the Digi help people are closed for the weekend. Any ideas what might be going on?