I wanna switch to Pro Tools


Mar 30, 2005
I'm thinking to switch to protools but I'm curious about your advices..

I reject the M-Powered option because of its limitations.

The other 2 option are PTLE and PTHD.

With PTLE I would use a Digi003 (the 8 pre version) with some 3rd part Pre module....oh, and a music production kit (for more tracks) and I would be done.

With PTHD, due to the high cost of every interface, I would go with a pcie card and a 96i/o..but with this solution I would need 16 external preamp..so addictional cost.

What do you think? Actually I'm not a pro so an HD system should be excessive. Is a PTLE a good solution? My doubts are mainly about the 003 quality (shitty preamps, high price) compared to the other card on the market and about the track limitation...

Thank you very much
If you're not a "pro" maybe the LE version would be best. I mean, with the production kit and all I think PTLE is up to 64 tracks now(?) That should be more than enough for you to do what you need. I think you can also still use an 002. You could probably find one really cheap on ebay or something and even get it modded for a fair price, make it sound better without killing yourself on the cost of everything

I guess it helps to know what your level of use is also

just my quick thoughts on it

Not seriously considering switching at this point, but if the need arises (I.E. Labels start demanding PT) just curious what I should be looking for in an HD system to track & mix bands. Hopefully PT at least has some lightpipe on it so I can still keep my fireface for an extra 8 ins...
Yeah, the 96 and 192 interfaces both have lightpipe as well as 16 analog inputs, though apparently the converters on the 192 are better (though that might just mean they can do higher sample rates). Or, if you wanna do all external conversion, there's the 192 Digital I/O which has no analog ins, but given how much that is it seems kinda pointless to not pay the extra like $500 for 16 analog inputs.
I I think you can also still use an 002. You could probably find one really cheap on ebay or something and even get it modded for a fair price, make it sound better without killing yourself on the cost of everything

The problem with the 002 is the it has only 4 pre's and with an 8pre module I would have only 16 in / 12 pre.
Moreover I don't know if here in Italy someone customizes 002's...
i run my digi 002 with a motu 8pre in the adat, if i need those extra 4 inputs as mic pres i just use a dedicated preamp. i recently switched from nuendo to PT, at first i hated it, but now ive started using it, its very powerful, and has rapidly increased my workflow speed!!
Digidesign of course just released the 003 Rack Plus which is 8 mic pre, 8 line, 8 ADAT and 2 Spidif......

I have a 003 Control surface model, and look, while the preamps in it are not brilliant, i wouldn't go to say that they are bad. They upgraded the Preamps in them from the appalling 002 pre amps. Besides, Spend a few bux on some Really nice pre amps for the extra 4 Line ins. Track things like Kick/Snare/Overheads/vocals/guitar/and bass through them and use the internal 003 Pre for things like toms.

As for PTLE, i switched from Cubase, and i found that PT worked better for me. I did mostly only audio tracking, no midi, and i found PT layout a bit simpler too. Things i do miss is ADC. PT 8 looks to have some decent improvements too.

I can honestly say Ive been happy with My LE package and while i have extensively used HD in professional situations, If its for a home studio setup, LE is the go.

.... but then again.... Is it just for a Home Studio??
You're wanting to open a studio? But you say you're only a beginner?

That aside, the only disadvantage of M Powered compared to LE is that M Powered can't get the DV Toolkit.

Imo the best looking Pro Tools Rig without going HD is M Powered with a Profire 2626. It has 16 channels of ADAT I&O, 2 channels SPDIF I&O, 8 ok preamps which can be bypassed by going through the line ins (unlike a 003 which still sends the line signal through the pre) and 8 line outs. Obviously PTMP can only handle 18 ins and 14 outs but it would be easy enough to say do drum tracking (where you might need more than 18 ins) in another DAW and export the WAV's into PT for everything else.

I quite fancy pairing up a 2626 with a Allen & Heath ZED R16 so I'll have 16 nice preamps and the ability to set up a couple of headphone sends with no latency, seems like a great semi-pro solution without going HD. Theres a plugin now that does ADC for Protools, so to me the only thing holding LE/MP back is the low track and input counts. The track counts can be upped by getting the music production toolkit, but unfortunately the input count is in the hands of Digidesign...
I tried Cubase sometime ago but I don't like it very much. Now I use Logic...it's good but it has some feature I don't undestand and it doesn't have a decent drum editing (both of the 2 methods to quantize/cut don't work here..they give me weird issues...also following step to step the tutorials).
Sincerely, I miss my old and good Sonar...it's not famous like the other daw's but it works very well and it has Audiosnap, a Beat Detective replica...
Digital Performer it's the messiest daw I have ever seen....1hour to understand how to record a track and another hour to understand how to import a wave file......
My advice: don't.

Cubase FTW.

+1000000 Best advise ever.

I own ProTools and I always struggled with it. Still not having VST support natively blows my mind, not to mention the midi implementation in PT is not nearly as user friendly as in other software.

I'm not saying Cubase is the best, but it's far more friendly to the smaller studio user than PT is especially if you plan on using any kind of virtual instrument.
You're wanting to open a studio? But you say

Imo the best looking Pro Tools Rig without going HD is M Powered with a Profire 2626. It has 16 channels of ADAT I&O, 2 channels SPDIF I&O, 8 ok preamps which can be bypassed by going through the line ins (unlike a 003 which still sends the line signal through the pre) and 8 line outs. Obviously PTMP can only handle 18 ins and 14 outs but it would be easy enough to say do drum tracking (where you might need more than 18 ins) in another DAW and export the WAV's into PT for everything else.

Sending the 4 extra Line Ins through the Pre? Only on channels 1-4. Not on

I definately agree on the M-audio Profire 2626, not to mention that they are great units they are much cheaper too.

As far as M-Powered goes, Ive never thought the Production tool kits are worth their price.....
I was using cubase before and PT seems to have streamlined my workflow...

It may sound like a bunch of horseshit to those of you who use cubase/nuendo, but I feel more comfortable using PT...

I've got a 002 and a Presonus Digimax LT for an extra 8 preamps...

If its what you want, then go for it... if you can, sit down some where and mess around with it...

All I can say is that it has worked for me... :headbang:
Not seriously considering switching at this point, but if the need arises (I.E. Labels start demanding PT) just curious what I should be looking for in an HD system to track & mix bands. Hopefully PT at least has some lightpipe on it so I can still keep my fireface for an extra 8 ins...

to be honest oz, they way computers are at the moment, id pick up a 003, music production toolkit and run your RME into that.

With pro tools 8 and the toolkits, HD is begining to look REALLY overpriced.
Not to say that there arent those who will always need it; and If im being honest I'd rather be on HD for ADC, (even though you can get around this witht the mellowmuse ATA) and the added stability (not that LE has given me any beef that digi hasnt released a CS update to fix) But then again im running a MACpro here... soooooo