Migrating to pro tools...

Yes...me too. I switch to PT M-powered because I found the profire for 350€ and also the Octopre LE, so I already have pretty decent 16 in's/pre's that I can use also with Protools HD in the future.
With PT LE you have to buy a 003+ (expensive and shitty) to have 8 pre's, because 002 and 003 have only 4 preamps...
Actually, M-Powered is way better than LE
Oh hell no Lasse; i would never do such a thing!
Just thinking budgetwise; but once you factor in toolkits BLA mods etc etc
second hand HD is a much much better choice
in that case its really simple. go HD, or dont use protools!
I don't necessarily think this is true for all circumstances, but for sure I would say that I'd rather pay for a bottom-line HD rig than a maxed-out LE rig so I hope Lasse doesnt think I was disagreeing with him earlier.
yeah I feel like I would be very limited only having one core card, whereas my CPU is ridiculous and it takes a lot to overload.

I'm still not seeing that much of a benefit to HD over a modded 002+toolkits and time adjuster plug.... call me crazy, call me stupid, but I just don't see it right now.
it's really not much, like 6 dverbs?

GAH, that's pathetic! Of course, that assumes your running them TDM; you can still use Native RTAS plugins on an HD system, and honestly, with computers as powerful as they are these days, getting a good comp and just one HD card (rather than a weaker computer and a bunch of HD cards) seems the more cost-effective solution! (and I've read in multiple places that there's no difference in sound between RTAS and TDM plugins)
GAH, that's pathetic! Of course, that assumes your running them TDM; you can still use Native RTAS plugins on an HD system, and honestly, with computers as powerful as they are these days, getting a good comp and just one HD card (rather than a weaker computer and a bunch of HD cards) seems the more cost-effective solution! (and I've read in multiple places that there's no difference in sound between RTAS and TDM plugins)

oh what I didn't know that?
Yup! The only uncertainty though is what I mentioned in my second post above, about whether you still get ADC using RTAS plugins in PTHD...
Besides track count (which is still limited by your drives somewhat) latency and ADC. A native PT system is currently more powerful than an HD system.

So you can have an HD system, and use mostly RTAS plugs, but still benefit from the higher track count and better converters.

It took me a while to track this down.

One HD Accel PCI card: Dverb test gives this 38 TDM Dverbs in a 32 track 24bit/48K session.

You should get about 250 RTAS Dverbs with a Core2Quad Q6600. I do find that things like VST amps + impulses takes most of my cpu