intense death metal


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
id like some intense death metal with a feverish, frenzied feeling, a sense of extreme urgency like being chased by a 20foot demon with its teeth mere inches from your ass.

it can be fucking fast or not so fast, it's more about how the riffs themselves sound. also, there must definitely be a pronounced groove / rhythm i can latch on and headbang to.

just rec anything you think fits that description, thanks.
I second Asphyx. The Sarcolytic album just wasn't mind blowing but a fine listen none the less. I really like the last couple songs off there new debut, they started off a little weaker than they ended up.
thanks for the recs. Asphyx's guitar tone is too buzzy and the vocals are kind of scream-ish. Sarcolytic was pretty much what i was looking for. :)

post more plz. shit like Behemoth - Demigod, Vomitory - Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize, Human Mincer - Degradation Paradox, etc.
Give Amok's Necrospiritual Deathcore a try. Most of the songs are slower but there is a frenzied feeling.
sounds like fanatic cultists :0 a bit weird, but pretty good.
Their old stuff is great to. It's a bit grittier and a bit more thrash/grind-ish.
It's definently more chaotic though and has Lava on vocals so they arn't as deep.

I thought a bit about Blackened death when you mentioned Behemoth, but I think most of what you're looking for will be brutal death of some sort.