Intense Mutilation


New Metal Member
Nov 23, 2004
Back in the mid 80's, one of the bands that was a fave of Anthrax was 'Intense Mutilation' ( - in fact, they received a Thank You on one of Anthrax's albums.

When Scott and Danny recorded songs under the monicker 'Crab Society North', IM put one of those songs on a comp tape they put out in the 1980's.

Anyway, two things:

IM put up 'Classic 1980's pictures' ( featuring Scott and Danny in a few shots.

IM has a new CD out: 'Sgt Leppers Falling Parts Club Band'. Here is the page with the 411 on the new CD:

Anyway, I'm not sure if Anthrax has even kept up with IM over the years...
