Intense play Germany


Voice of INTENSE
Sep 9, 2002
Yes at last we've lined up a couple of shows in Germany with more to be added, July 21st and 23rd so far Nr Munster and Duisburg. Support comes from Taiwanese band Seraphim and German bands Chainheart and Synasthasia. All of this will be up on our site in more detail very soon ... :hotjump: :hotjump: :grin:
Hey cool, I've been there (as Chainhearts new guitar player and as Folkedudls Guitar player, who performed also in Münster.... okay... :D)

Nice greet's from germany, it was a great fun to play with you.

Martin (aka. the guy with the nice Hughes & Kettner Amp, if anyone remembers... :D)
Hey Martin, i particularly remember the H & K amp mate, thanks for visiting the forum. We really enjoyed our shows in Germany and look forward to more next year. All you guys were cool to us ... :grin:
Heya Sean, Good to know you guys are playing in Germany again next year.... Does this mean that for this trip I don't have to beg and can just get an automatic place as crew?! Ha ha after my antics in July I think I should get a place!!!!!!!!