Interesting occupations

My day job is at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Whenever one of them finds out about ASoT, the general reaction is, "..but you're so QUIET!"
Being a metalhead I like blowing away peoples pre-concieved idea of what I am supposed to be. I have a master's degree in Early Childhood Education. I am licenced to teach K-5, and at one time taught preK. I have really enjoyed reading this thread.
It is kind if fun shattering the stereotypes. When folks around my workplace find out where I spend 4 days each September, and then discover how many of the musicians and fellow fans hold advanced degrees, they look flabbergasted.

Same here. I hold a Master in Business Economics, work as an Federal Auditor in the Brazilian Court Of Audit, once I was the Head of the International Office. Met all the important politicians in Brazil(President, All the judges from the Supreme Court, etc). I even have the cell phones from most of them, including the actual Brazilian President (Mrs. Dilma Rouseff).

When people find out the I am an extreme Metal Fan(Death Metal) with lots of tattoos(I work everyday with tie and suit) and spend a good portion of my income travelling around to catch metal gigs, they look at me as I was an alien!!!!

Its funny!!!!
I have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and I am the VP of Global Technology and Engineering for a medium sized privately held high tech company. Between reading books on modern physics for fun and going to heavy metal festivals, everyone at work thinks that I am nuts. They are right! :hotjump:
Nothing wrong with that. Many of us metal fans are. For example I'm a network/systems engineer and SkiBumMSP slings code for a living. Sounds like the musicians are as well. :lol:

I believe it was Mr. Blevins and a few others of us that had a running joke for a while at PP and also at fests in Chicago that if you were at one of these shows and had long hair, then you were a computer or technical person and in a band, and if you had short hair, then you were a computer or technical person and not in a band.

My day job is at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Whenever one of them finds out about ASoT, the general reaction is, "..but you're so QUIET!"

Dang, if I'd known, I would have looked you up at PP and asked for funding. :lol:

I'm the Executive Director for a very small non-profit organization in the healthcare sector. Our founder finds my musical tastes quite puzzling. :)
It's funny.. people where I work see me as a bit of a geek and are surprised as hell when I tell them I attend ProgPower. Some of my co-workers follow me on Facebook and are just surprised I throw horns and hang out at the huge Artmore parties.

PP USA 2013 can't some soon enough! :lol:
I think, after 22 years, the people at my office have gotten used to my weirdness. Doesn't surprise them anymore, I'm just "that weird guy with the long hair."
Some of my co-workers, God bless 'em, actually listen to my radio show. Or at least, they TRY.
For a few minutes.
One lady actually made it a whole hour last week, and now she has a new word she loves: "meshuggah." :lol:

I believe it was Mr. Blevins and a few others of us that had a running joke for a while at PP and also at fests in Chicago that if you were at one of these shows and had long hair, then you were a computer or technical person and in a band, and if you had short hair, then you were a computer or technical person and not in a band.

I believe it was Mr. Blevins and a few others of us that had a running joke for a while at PP and also at fests in Chicago that if you were at one of these shows and had long hair, then you were a computer or technical person and in a band, and if you had short hair, then you were a computer or technical person and not in a band.

Hahahaha! So true! So very true! (Except SkiBumMSP is not in a band, even though he could pass for a member of a band!)
Well geeze, you all are making me feel like a slouch! I have been a secretary for 25+ years and work part-time hosting (hopefully not much longer!) for a chain restaurant. I would like to go back to school to become a surgical nurse. After years of working with college students (and their parents), I want the people I deal with to be knocked out cold on a table :)
I've met lots of folks in the metal scene work in IT - I do as well. Like OrbWeaver - I have a master's in psych and have been a licensed therapist (& in IL). I'm also military - so as a musician, don't have the long hair. :( I'm not a therapist any longer - now I'm in IT - primarily servers, OS, Info Security and the like.
And hopefully the freaking deployment cycle is coming to a close and I can head back to ProgPower again next year!! It's been too long!
Dang, if I'd known, I would have looked you up at PP and asked for funding. :lol:

PLEASE DON'T. D: People call her and ask for money all the time. Sometimes they yell at me and accuse the Gates Foundation of "not giving money to Americans!" Sometimes people ask for money to pay their bills. What do they think I'm gonna say? "Oh yeah, I'll get you on the phone with Bill right away!"

But since you're actually in a non-profit, you're a different story. Go ahead and call so I can transfer you to someone who knows WTF to do. XD
Well geeze, you all are making me feel like a slouch! I have been a secretary for 25+ years and work part-time hosting (hopefully not much longer!) for a chain restaurant. I would like to go back to school to become a surgical nurse. After years of working with college students (and their parents), I want the people I deal with to be knocked out cold on a table :)

Just remember: sometimes you hear things you don't want to hear before anesthesia takes full effect or has worn off.