Interesting Opeth review...

Regardless of what I think, both fans and critics will praise Deliverance. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if, one week after it’s release, fans are calling it a classic. But fanboys will be fanboys. Sometimes I wonder if these fanboys are actual fans of Opeth’s music, or fans of the band members just waiting to suck the proverbial cock of anything bearing the name of Opeth.

I wonder if this guy is a 'fanboy' of John Holmes, and is just upset that the cock he wets his lips for the most is dead? :confused: Just a hunch, I may be a tad off tho...... he may like dead cock afterall.
:lol: that 'review' is laughable, I've written higher class material for my first essays in English class back in Year 8 haha. I would actually respect the general contention of the 'review' if it wasn't trying to push its opinion as fact and completely dismiss everything aside from the author's own opinion.

Here we go:

'The title track is the only keeper on the entire album' and this comes after saying 'The songs, “The Leper Affinity”, “The Drapery Falls”, “The Funeral Portrait” seem to drone on and on without one hook to grab the listener’s ear and pull him/her in.'

gee I never noticed that Blackwater Park isn't in familiar fashion to The Leper Affinity or The Funeral Portrait, I also never noticed that some of the riffs drone ON and ON! gee, I must've been asleep throughout the 20+ times I listened to the album. I guess I'm also stupid to thing that the intro to The Drapery Falls qualifies as a 'hook' seeing as it comes back at the end of the song. I'm also stupid to appreciate the dual guitar solo near the end of The Funeral Portrait and I should be calling it 'bland and boring'.

The bottom line is that the review was written by someone who's obviously not over Orchid and Morningrise and just can't accept that the new albums have taken a different direction and actually have a quality of their own. I'm sorry I just don't have any respect for anyone who isn't about to throw their own prejudice aside and write a fair and open-minded review about a significant album. I really don't know how you can call him your best writer.