Interesting read on our use of time...

Gotta thank my grandmother for having a fit when ever she caught me sneaking in some T.V. "Boy! don't you know that T.V will rot your brian" In spanish. What pissed me off as a kid was the fact that she had one. It was just there to tease me. :Smug: Anyhow... years later I understood why.

Muchacho, que no sabes que la TV te va a podrir el Cerebro!!!!

I like Tv, but just watch it maybe one or two hours a day, sometimes none. spent more time on the internet, or playing guitar.
Nice article Jeff

I'm also in the hate tv world.

'television...drug of the nation..breeding ignorance...feeding radiation'

but wikipedia on the other hand.. wow that does occupy quite a bit of my time
Interesting article; reading about TV usually gets me feeling way more pissed off and irrational than this did.

P.S. Disposable Heroes? Beatnigs!
honestly fuck tv. tv is the biggest waste of time. the only things i watch on tv are met games (which is not really tv tv) and on demand HBO and SHO shows mainly curb your enthusiasm and californication. aside from that the only thing i ever watched was seinfeld but i've seen every episode multiple times and i have the dvds if i feel like laughing. other than that tv takes up a very small percentage of my week. i wish everyone else in the world would be able to do that people would be less stupid. what ever happened to reading?

i'm only 24 but when i was in grade school playing outside was the big thing. nowdays you don't even see kids playing outside anymore. i live across the street from an elementary school and i see like 4th graders walking around texting and on their cell phones. i never thought i would be one of those "what has the world come to?" people but seriously! what has the fucking world come to?

what could a 4th grader possibly be texting and yapping on a cell phone about? jeez.
when i was in grade school playing outside was the big thing. nowdays you don't even see kids playing outside anymore

I feel the EXACT same way... When I was a kid, I was always building bike jumps or trekking around in the woods or building a tree fort or trying to dam the little creek by my house with plywood (didn't really work, plus it PISSED OFF the neighbor when he realized that we were close to flooding his yard :lol:). I had so much fun being outside, but if you try to explain that to a kid nowadays, they'll just look at you like they have absolutely no concept of how something away from a TV screen could possibly be fun.

Another thing that's super lame nowadays, is how all the playground equipment at parks and schools or wherever have gotten so ridiculously safe. I know it has a lot to do with people getting sue-happy and cities/schools not wanting to take any risks, (which is another thing that pisses me off, and another conversation altogether). All of the really tall swings, really long slides, zip-lines, and basically everything that was legitimately fun as a kid, is completely gone and has been replaced by stupid plastic molded crap playsets that are devoid of craftsmanship or creativity or riskier stuff that kids enjoy!
I grew up on TV and regret it. Here's the real thorn in my side:

"Stop playing guitar, Amercan Idol is on" :bah:
I' disagree. Tv has taught me a ton of shit. It's not the TV it's stupid shows like Laguna beach and the OC. that are fuckin people up.

There are a plethora of educational programs on that I watch all the time.

Don't hate on T.V
i'm only 24 but when i was in grade school playing outside was the big thing.

I'm 20, and when I grew up I was allergic to existence so I didn't go outside much... wound up spending my time with my mother's math books and a PCjr. This was back before the Internet was popular, so while I was doing that stuff early there was a good chunk of time when all I had was offline stuff to tinker with; the parents sat me in front of Hangman, and since I wasn't too good with words at that time I figured out a way to break the program open and add a loop so that I could hang as many people as I had to until I got the word right. There was that, my mother's textbooks (she had gotten a math degree from UT) were on the bottom shelf of the bookcase, and, of course, Legos. We got a Sega Genesis after a while, and Sega Channel when that came around, but everything in my head was centered around knowing more.

As for educational TV... still not teaching you as much as a book.

everyone has their own thing but i'll say it's not like i totally did not watch tv. but it was a healthy mix. i feel that the internet and myspace and this shit takes up way too much time. when i was like a kid kid like in elementary and junior high school i played a lot of baseball and hockey and sports and played with my friends outside but i also watched tv but i feel like it was different back then. worldwide ADD wasn't as much. I loved the late 80's early 90's shows like saved by the bell, a-team, knight rider, disney afternoon, charles in charge, etc. etc.

i'm a big early 90's guy as you can tell and tv was a big part of my life especially since i wasn't born in america and came here in first grade it helped me kind of figure out what's going on. but as i got older things got more serious and tv took a back seat. the point here is that tv is good and stuff but for a limited time. nowadays kids have WAAAAAY too many things going on and i just feel bad for them. while the information age definitely has its pros it also has its cons. i feel like kids growing up today and in the future are detached from like human things. everything is technological and instant and everything is at your fingertips and people lose the essence of just being in good company. you always need to do something because you are used to pop ups, myspace, facebook, everything you can imagine on your cellphone. i don't know, that's just me.