interesting realization...

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
Well, today they put Accolade II up on the SyX website one really has bothered to mention much here. I never realized SO MANY people here dlded the promo! I know, I should be slapping myself on the hand too (Im guilty as well) but damn...I never realized THIS many people would dld it. I wonder how many of you know the finished Accolade II has a longer intro? I wonder what the SyX guys would say :p
Originally posted by Yngvai X
Well, today they put Accolade II up on the SyX website one really has bothered to mention much here. I never realized SO MANY people here dlded the promo! I know, I should be slapping myself on the hand too (Im guilty as well) but damn...I never realized THIS many people would dld it. I wonder how many of you know the finished Accolade II has a longer intro? I wonder what the SyX guys would say :p
I didn't d/l the promo.

Yea. Acolade II rules. It's like Acolade I meets Greensleeves. Awesome. I no longer have any doubts about this album. It will be the hilight of the whole year.
Indeed, KOT is definately a different side to Symphony X, and although I enjoy the song very much I wouldn't want to see that kind of music on every track.

It's heavy, which is good, but it lacks that Symphony X 'heaviness'- If you know what I "The Eyes of Medusa", "Church of the Machine" or "The Fallen" :)

Still good though ;)
i downloaded some of the songs (promo) from some p2p program that i'm not going to mention :p and i gotta say they kickass:D i'm downloading the mp3 of the accolade right now to see what's the big difference between the promo and the actual song.

btw i always download songs from upcoming albums or artists to see how they are like and then i buy them, i've always done it so i guess i shouldn't stop doing it:p the internet has been a huge help to me and i've been able to discover bands that without the internet propably never would have heard of them.
Originally posted by SymphonyXFan
I don't think you should be downloading songs from a band your supposedly a fan of....

ok buddy i don't wanna be an ass or anything but let me tell you something you shouldn't be telling people here how to do things. If you don't like to download songs fine don't download but don't post things like this''oh if you download songs you are not a fan'' that is bullshit i'm not a less of a fan than you are because I download songs, i've always done it, if it wasn't because of it i wouldn't even discover Symphony X and lots of other bands with lots of talent that need to be discovered and the Internet is what helps them to creat a fan base. If you care to look also I said that i always download songs before I ''purchase'' albums i'm not one of those download and get music for free punks.
Sorry if that sounded aggressive...

I'm certainly not telling anyone what to do on their own PC's!

I just don't like it when people download the WHOLE album.
Originally posted by SymphonyXFan
Sorry if that sounded aggressive...

I'm certainly not telling anyone what to do on their own PC's!

I just don't like it when people download the WHOLE album.

no problem actually i'm not that heated up :lol: i always post my things pretty straight forward.

Ps: you are not the only one that gets pissed off by people that download whole albums without buying them (i'm on your league:D ) i've actually dowloaded Accolade 2, Inferno and the Odyssey and all of them are A+ so i don't have any doubt of buying the album (not that i had a doubt :D )
>>> It's heavy, which is good, but it lacks that Symphony X 'heaviness'- If you know what I "The Eyes of Medusa", "Church of the Machine" or "The Fallen" <<<

Yep, those are 3 of the best ever, man!

Originally posted by Cyaron
>>> It's heavy, which is good, but it lacks that Symphony X 'heaviness'- If you know what I "The Eyes of Medusa", "Church of the Machine" or "The Fallen" <<<

Yep, those are 3 of the best ever, man!


Glad you agree. :)