Interesting report on the new Iced Earth...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Special report by Mark Gromen

Only the third person to hear Framing Armageddon in its entirety (after mastermind Jon Schaffer and producer Jim Morris), BW&BK can announce that this first installment of the two-disc Set Abominae concept is as epic, enjoyable, yet unconventional and boundary stretching (in terms of musicianship, instrumentation and scope of what's perceived to be Iced Earth) as Schaffer has intimated over the last decade. Don't ask him to explain the story, as it's a self-perpetuating myth with too many layers. Sci-fi fanatic Morris claims it could become a cottage industry unto itself, spawning an unending series of book/movie spinoffs, much like Star Wars or Star Trek, although it resembles neither.

Similarly, the music, from opening cello and Middle Eastern equivalent of slow samba rhythm ('Overture'), through the sonic deluge of 'The Setian Massacre', flamenco guitar and tribal drum patters on 'Something Wicked (Part 2)', to the bluesy, slide guitar and lap steel of the 10+ minute 'The Clouding' masterpiece or Hammond organ solo on 'The Domino Decree' and ultimately the entirely sung as a choir 'When Stars Collide (Born Is He)', retains multiple, recurrent parts, themes if you will (like Prokofiev's Peter And The Wolf), including a snippet dedicated to the main character, who although absent until Part 2 (appearing simultaneously in the timeline with the birth of Jesus Christ) can be heard on different instruments and at different paces throughout Framing Armageddon.

There's an undercurrent of Setian revenge on humanity, utilizing religious bickering to fragment man's unity.

"Embrace the fact man needs religion
Prophets, saviors and priests
All convinced they have the answer
The truth is they'll never know
Behind faith they'll hide and hope...
So convinced their way is right
The narrow view of all mankind
In the name of God they will divide"

-'Order Of The Rose'

Sixty-nine minutes of music, some of the songs ending abruptly, others segue directly into the next.

First listen standouts? The title track, the lone other example of full bore speed and triplets (a la pre-release single 'Ten Thousand Strong'), aka what many associate as standard Iced Earth. Without a doubt, the two-songs-in-one approach of 'The Clouding' shines brightest. The sedate first half recalls JUDAS PRIEST's 'Beyond The Realms Of Death', then it lets loose. It's a showcase for Tim "Ripper" Owens, who demonstrates newfound versatility throughout the disc and sings at impossible highs for sustained periods of time (see 'Retribution Through The Ages', 'Reflections' or the acappella ending of 'A Charge To Keep'). This is not a one and done listen, first due to the complex story line. Unlike many concept records, the songs stand on their own, identifiable as Iced Earth, yet not rehashing old ideas.

Prepare to commit a large chunk of time to multiple playbacks. And this is only Part 1!
I'm not convinced at all, mainly for the fact that I've rarely agreed with Iced Earth reviews (like everyone praising SW? That album was weak). I'll check it out for sure, because I used to be an inveterate Iced Earth fan, heck I own the Dark Genesis box set, but I doubt it'll bring back my love for the band.
I'm giving Schaffer this one last chance.

He *has* been supposedly working on material for this since before 1999, so hopefully he's been wanting to make it as polished and well crafted, and original as possible.

But, if this one is just some more old "gallop-gallop-gallop" samba music, then he has failed.
Ten Thousand Strong rules.

Also, I suppose this is going out on a limb in some bizarro universe, but the re-worked trilogy isn't half as bad as everyone made out. It's actually decent.

I have high hopes for the new IE.
some of you will start rubbing your thighs right now ...

ICED EARTH mainman/guitarist Jon Schaffer has issued the following statement:

"Hello, dear friends!

"Once again the winds of change are upon us, and this time I can say that I am very happy about the result.

"While out on the European tour I had several in depth discussions with many loyal ICED EARTH fans. A common theme of these discussions was how much Matt is missed. I agreed with the fans that things were not the same and that it was a very special period in ICED EARTH's history.

"When I heard several months ago that Matt [Barlow] was going to be doing a project in music again, I was thinking about contacting him and seeing what his intentions were. I didn't act on this because I was so focused on the writing of the new epic, and frankly, it just didn't seem realistic.

"Well, after getting out on the road and speaking with many of you directly, I decided to call Matt and see how he was doing and if he was interested in working together again. I am proud to say that he is coming back to ICED EARTH and we will be getting back to work in the studio very soon.

"Matt will be singing on Part 2 of the 'Something Wicked' concept CD and we will be looking forward to getting out on tour and delivering a series of ICED EARTH shows that will rival any in the history of the band. And there will be a proper DVD filmed from this period, something we’ve all been waiting for.

"I want you all to know that it was you who made this a reality. I have missed Matt's presence onstage and in my personal life in a big way over the past few years, so I appreciate your honesty in our discussions. It did help me realize the decision to move forward with pursuing this. The fans have spoken and we have delivered!

"You true fans know that I'm a straight shooter, I say what I mean and mean what I say. And though I value your opinions greatly, you must believe that this is a decision that comes completely from the heart and is not motivated by anything other than what feels the best for ICED EARTH. This is the way that things have always been dealt with, for better or for worse, but always honestly and from the heart.

"Tim Owens is a great and talented singer and I wish the best for him and his future on a personal and professional level.

"There will be more news soon as to further developments and plans. This will push back the release of Part 2 a bit. Not because we couldn't be ready to record in time, but because of a new addition to Matt's family in early 2008!

"I am very happy to announce that ICED EARTH is truly BACK!"
Oh my God - could the site have been hacked?

I know Jon better than most, and I thought the same thing. I would have bet a lot of money against this ever happening. Especially right now, in the middle of a two-part concept album. Crazy.

Now why not call up Jimmy for go-'round #3, see what Larry's up to (or maybe Randy?) and we'll be right back in 1999.

I know Jon better than most, and I thought the same thing. I would have bet a lot of money against this ever happening. Especially right now, in the middle of a two-part concept album. Crazy.

I'm still in disbelief, but proof is proof. Something *had* to have gone down - I can't imagine the primary reason for switching back to Matt was fan feedback on the European tour.

Neil said:
Now why not call up Jimmy for go-'round #3, see what Larry's up to (or maybe Randy?) and we'll be right back in 1999.

Randy added an element to their earlier sound that I've missed greatly since his departure.
It's already been confirmed by the webmaster for IE's official site. He personally posted regarding the conversation he had with Jon.

Holy sarcasm detector, Batman, he wasn't serious!

:loco: Can't help it, the original post read very much like a Blabbermouth newsbyte, but I did notice you said it was confirmed so I figured it was from a more legitimate source.