Interesting report on the new Iced Earth...

Holy sarcasm detector, Batman, he wasn't serious!


Necromunchkin said:
:goggly: Can't help it, the original post read very much like a Blabbermouth newsbyte, but I did notice you said it was confirmed so I figured it was from a more legitimate source.

Yeah - I didn't actually think you were looking for confirmation from Blabbermouth, simply confirmation in general couched as a jab at Blabbermouth.
So how did Framing Armageddon turn out to be? Thumbs up?

So-so in my opinion.... what do you bet Schaeffer tries to blame Ripper for the cd being below par, when it's Schaeffer's bland, boring songwriting that needs to be re-evaluated... been there done that, same old shit...

Perhaps if Priest had let Ripper contribute, we wouldn't have been graced with Demolition... perhaps if Schaeffer had let Ripper bring more to the table creatively... this album wouldn't be the yawn that it often is.
I do have to sympathize with Ripper Owens. He's got to stop filling the bigger shoes of others and just go his own way.

PJ - Framing Armageddon would have sounded much better with Barlow, don't you think? His multi-layer vocal style is a good fit for IE (and he also left at the top of his game, considering his best vocals ever are on Horror Show, so I can't imagine how much better FA would have sounded with Barlow at the helm).

Best thing Owens did with IE was the Gettysburg Trilogy. That was SO good, I wouldn't even want to hear Barlow do it.
So how did Framing Armageddon turn out to be? Thumbs up?

After the news came out yesterday, I went on an Iced Earth binge. Since I had just listened to 'Alive in Athens' on Saturday*, I first went for 'Horror Show', and then back to 'Burnt Offerings'. But then for some reason, I was drawn back to 'Framing Armageddon'. I was like, "wait, dumbass, this is supposed to be a Matt Barlow celebration!" But that didn't stop me, so I listened to it, and it really seems to be quite a good album. If it held up well in that context, I'm sure it would do even better on its own.

Perhaps if Priest had let Ripper contribute, we wouldn't have been graced with Demolition... perhaps if Schaeffer had let Ripper bring more to the table creatively... this album wouldn't be the yawn that it often is.

But has Tim ever shown any songwriting aptitude? Beyond Fear was his chance to prove that the mean old bandleaders had been holding him back, but I don't really recall that album setting the world afire when it dropped.

And 'Framing Armageddon' is the most creative album-length example of Schaffer's songwriting since 'Burnt Offerings', so the "bland, boring songwriting" argument doesn't really apply to that one.

Best thing Owens did with IE was the Gettysburg Trilogy. That was SO good, I wouldn't even want to hear Barlow do it.

Agree with the first line (might even go so far as to say it's the best thing IE has EVER done), but your second line is just crazy-talk!

*: After listening to AIA this weekend, I dug up the "trip report" that I had written when I traveled to Athens with Iced Earth, and re-posted it on my blog. Obviously Jon must have stumbled across it (he's constantly doing a Google Blog Search for "Iced Earth"), and said "damn, Neil's right, those sure were good times. Maybe I should give Matt a call". So really I'm the reason that this is happening.

For me Iced Earth=Yawn.

If there was one song or album to change my mind what would it be? I have Something Wicked This Way Comes and never listen to it.
Not knowing your tastes, I can only say that you pretty much can't go wrong by choosing the last song off any Iced Earth album. If you made a compilation album of their last songs, it would be the best album in the history of music.

1. Night of the Stormrider - Travel in Stygian - 9:31 - Rifftastic power-thrash
2. Burnt Offerings - Dante's Inferno - 16:29 - Rifftastic atmospheric power-thrash with a better singer
3. The Dark Saga - A Question of Heaven - 7:40 - Emotional film-ic tragedy
4. Something Wicked This Way Comes - The Coming Curse - 9:33 - Crushing Egyptian-tinged epic
5. The Glorious Burden - Gettysburg (1863) III: High Water Mark - 12:36 - Orchestrated militaristic soundtrack
Running Time: 59:22

Crazy-talk!? You just said it's the best thing IE have ever done, so why mess with the best!? :loco:

1. "The best" always has the potential to be made even better (see: record-breaking in athletics)
2. In recorded music, you cannot "mess with" something that has already been released. If you don't like the new version, the old one is still perfectly intact.
3. In this case, it wouldn't even have to be recorded...that was already done years ago. They just need to let me hear it!

I do have to sympathize with Ripper Owens. He's got to stop filling the bigger shoes of others and just go his own way.

PJ - Framing Armageddon would have sounded much better with Barlow, don't you think? His multi-layer vocal style is a good fit for IE (and he also left at the top of his game, considering his best vocals ever are on Horror Show, so I can't imagine how much better FA would have sounded with Barlow at the helm).

Best thing Owens did with IE was the Gettysburg Trilogy. That was SO good, I wouldn't even want to hear Barlow do it.

I agree with the first part for sure, this hired gun crap is cool, but when they go running back to their comfort blankets, the shit gets old.

As far as whether it would sound better with barlow or not... I don't know. I bought the album the day it came out and have listened to it twice. Bored me to tears... and it wasn't because of the vocals...