Interesting(?) thought on Borknagar's name..

Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Hmmm, somehow this thread went a totally different direction than planned!

Well, to follow behind: I saw it two nights ago, it was a good movie... but... well, which book was THAT movie based on?!? As far as I noticed, half of the book got changed, was pretty strange sometimes... and somehow I was a bit disappointed by the "unreal" look of the setting at Helm's Deep... guess that's just me, so I'll just shut up

Yeah, guess you should shut up! :)

I thought Helm's Deep looked real. -But I like Alan Lee's drawings / paintings. What part of the book are you saying is cut out? I thought so about The Fellowship... But not in this movie. Only minor parts of the book in that case.
Saw The Two Towers on the 18th and it was fucking amazing, way better than Fellowship of the Ring, this was what I had pictured in my head when I read the book...however Fellowship of the Ring was not.
I saw TT in the preview :)

At tuesday (17.12.) first from 20.15h - 23.15h the fellowship of the ring....and then from 23.55h - ca. 3.00h the was great :)!!!

The first film last year a saw in the preview too :D

Yes...the film is changed in so many`s a pity....but when you only looking for the making it`s really great
Just remember that there are stories/happenings from Silmarillion in these movies too. -Things that didn't appear in the original books.
That was one of the best films I ever have seen. It's decent for tolkien. The only realy strange thing was that helpless nazgul flying on his dragon, unable to catch frodo. (this scene also didn't appear in the book)

The atmosphere of the film is like reading the book.
I saw it yesterday, again! :grin: I shall see it sometime this week....again! :lol: This time (2nd) I was able to look more closely for flaws and such, and I only saw one quick spot for about a half a second a horse looked like a computer generated the image. Other than that (as far as I could see) it is as flawless as anything ever.:)
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
and somehow I was a bit disappointed by the "unreal" look of the setting at Helm's Deep... guess that's just me, so I'll just shut up

You should... that battle shouldn't look too real it's all in a fantasy world, so there shouldn't be too much realistic scenes...

As far as I saw few moments in trailers i though that it looks realistic. As Legolas says: '300 against 10000 - it not looks to good'. Tolkien writes there that Saruman got about 10000 orcs to attack, and so he attacked...

'Fifth battle - Nirnaeth Arnoediad' - read that. Great battle (taken from 'Silmarilion'). One of my fav chapters...

Originally posted by FailingAcension
I only saw one quick spot for about a half a second a horse looked like a computer generated the image. Other than that (as far as I could see) it is as flawless as anything ever.:)
I usually don't see things like that unless someone tells me ......there are other things to worry about. For example, I had expected Helm's Deep to be bigger and it did not become clear why Frodo escaped first the Nazgul in Osgiliath and was then being let go by Faramir. And the Ents! This was nothing like I had thought the scenes with them would be presented.
But I don't want to complain. I haven't read the book thousands of times (twice I think) and I cannot be a nitpicker about it. It's a movie and not the book after all. Gollum/Smeagol was definitely great though.