Interesting(?) thought on Borknagar's name..

hehe...this board does have a tendency to come up with weird yet funny ideas.....(thinking of Borkie's Ketchup Dance performance and the BBB - anybody got one for x-mess btw? ;) )
Øystein does look nothing like Gimli though. I'm curious to find out what characters the others are going to be :grin:
Originally posted by Xaplan
And one thing! Dani from filth... he's the Uruk Hai :)
LMAO! We might not agree with each other's suggestions for who gets which role to play but this is a good start :grin:
Since we're talking about the main characters here I'd say Gollum would be fine as well.
Hehehehe when Gauny just told me about the thread (without quoting any of the suggestions, first name that came to mind was Dani, but as Gollum... Keith Caputo would be a good choice too;)

As for Gandalf, that part could only be played by my hubby Nico! Well, he's no musician, but he has the right hair!!! :lol:
I'll post next as Nico, so you can see for yourself :)