Interesting Waves CLA 1176 vs Softube FET shoot-out


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Check it out guys:

In most cases I think I preferred the Softube version. The Waves does 'soften' the attack a bit as you'd expect outboard to do, but otherwise seems almost too transparent - like any ITB compression algo adapted to 1176 spec. Hard to say without a real unit to compare to, but I'm hoping to solve that problem within the next few weeks once mine arrive!

What say ye?
All I know is I can't live without the FET comp since getting it a month or so ago back...


The Softube stuff is ridiculous! Have you demo'd the Trident, yet?
Nope, not yet. How's it fare vs the Waves SSL EQ?

Totally different beast. Definitely not something you can use on everything, but I like it on guitars the most so far. It's very.... unique and meaty sounding.

The saturation can be cool but becomes too much way tooo easy, unfortunately. Sounds quite odd to me, sometimes. Softube claims this is how the preamps broke up when pushed hard though...
^^ What are you running the FET on?


Nah, it's awesome on rooms, vox, bass, snare, etc. Basically anything an 1176 would be good on. Also gets some niceeeeee color and distortion going on when you really push it.

Fucking rocks on a stereo drum room though, for sure. Just breathes and pumps amazingly w/the music..