Interface Issue


Sep 7, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Okay so I was in a music store today, and I figured that I might as well ask one of the clerks about something that's been bugging my about my interface.

Basically, when I record stuff with my SM57 (the only mic I've had up until now), everything is fine. When I plug in my guitar directly in one of the 1/4 inputs, I have to turn the preamp volume all the way down, and then the volume on the guitar down a bit as well so it doesn't clip. That's on both active and passive pickups (if it makes a difference). Also, I just recently tried a condenser microphone, and I found it oddly loud. I was about 3 feet from it and talking at regular levels, and it was peaking at about -3Db in Sonar, with the preamp volume all the way down. With an acoustic guitar, it keeps clipping at 2 feet away with the 10Db pad engaged on the microphone.

The clerk told me that something was definetly wrong with my interface, and since the range for the preamp volume is supposed to be 60 Dbs, I should be able to turn the volume about half way up and still be able to use the condenser normally. He mentioned phantom power and it made me remember that switching phantom power off or on doesn't seem to change anything for the condenser.

Now, I've usually had some doubts about any advice given by a music store clerk (especially at that particular store), but he told me to bring it in to get it checked. I bought it more than a year ago so it's probably off the warranty though. It's a Presonus Audiobox.

I was thinking of maybe upgrading soon, but fixing this would help a lot for now. Any tips?

Thanks in advance!
so you have the input (inst/mic) volume at -10db and the clip indicator LED is lighting up? If you have access to a pure preamp (just a preamp and not an interface) run the mic into the preamp and then run the preamp into the audiobox, if the output on the separate preamp says that you are not clipping and the audiobox still us clipping, then something is wrong with it. If the audiobox stops clipping you have an impedance mismatch.

Have you actually tried recording something that is clipping and see how it sounds? If it isn't clipping the meters in your DAW record it and see what the waveform looks like and see if it is even clipping and if it is check the DAW input trim control (not sure about presounus stuff but some interfaces have a routing mixer that has inputs and outputs, the send to your DAW maybe boosting the signal, or you have the I/O set too hot which is causing the converters to clip, you will want the -10db unbalanced setting.

Check through and make sure the internal levels are correct, it might be a driver, routing or config issue.
Here's a pic of input volume at -10db with the guitar volume at full level.


It does pretty much the same thing with the condenser microphone (which I don't have access to right now), so I guess it wouldn't be just an impedance mismatch from the instrument input (or would it? I don't know anything about this stuff). I'm also using the ASIO4ALL driver. Also, where can I see if I selected the "-10db unbalanced setting"?

I don't have a separate preamp, but maybe that's what the guy in the store had in mind.

Thanks for the help =)
Got a reply from Presonus tech, not very helpful =(

"The preamps on the Audiobox are extremely hot by design. They were
designed for low level microphones. I don't think that your Audiobox
is damaged. Since you're considering upgrading I would recommend a
Firestudio Mobile. This comes with our award winning XMAX preamps,
which will give you everything you need, plus a lot of other features.
Let me know if you need anything else."

I might just sell it to my friend who's getting into recording since he'll most likely use only a 57 and I've had no problems with mine.
sounds like they just want to get more money out of you, typical for any decent sized company.

it very may have a shitty design, simplest solution would be to make a resistor circuit (just a potentiometer) before the interface, gives you all the volume rolloff you would need for under $5.