Interface like the UX2 but not the UX2


Straf Drah Studio
Apr 25, 2012
I've been doing some looking around for an interface that has all the functionality of a Pod Studio UX2 but isn't a cheap pile of crap.

I really dig the theory behind the zero latency monitoring on the UX2, but the mic pres are utter garbage, the connection is flimsey, the gain knobs are cheap and spike whenever they want (I could go on forever).

I've been trying to find a work around for monitoring without using sims but there's not a whole lot of info on the web about it. Just some debate about USB vs Firewire and messing around with ASIO settings to lower the latency.

I really don't care if I have to have a few more pieces of gear on my desk, I just want to be able to monitor with some decent tones while tracking the DIs, guitars and vocals. Am I chasing waterfalls here?
I had a UX1 and upgraded to a Scarlett 2i4. It's been pretty reliable. I have had no issues with it except ones where it was my fault or my computers fault. It comes with phantom power as well. I haven't used it for vocals yet but I would assume it would handle those well if needed.
Any *decent* interface paired with a powerful enough computer will let you monitor amp sims while tracking. The trick is to set the latency low enough. 256 is good enough for most people, but if you can get it down to 128 or even 64, you're golden.

I recommend RME interfaces personally (I have a Fireface 400), but I did have one of the M-Audio ones (the 2626 rather than the 610) and it performed quite well. From the chart, it almost holds its own against the RME.
I have my UX2 set at 256, and in stand alone PodFarm there's no noticable latecy. When I go into Amplitube, that's when it starts getting nasty. the lower I go, the crappier it sounds, and eventually my whole system gets screwy. Are you saying that if I just get a better interface that wont be an issue anymore? My comp is pretty decent, i5, 32gb ram, 2TB HD.
I run a fairly decent i7 but I'm betting a good interface (with better drivers!) will work just fine.

( I can run 6 live guitar tracks without my computer breaking a sweat. )

Have you tried downloading ASIO4ALL yet? That may let you set the latency lower on the UX2 for third party plugins and give you an idea on how your system performs.
I don't know how I forgot about ASIO4ALL, I used that with my first interface lol, I'll try that when I get home. I'm getting a new interface one way or another, though. This UX2 is beyond shit. It's mainly the pres and the knobs that make it unusable for any vocal applications. I don't need something with a bunch of ins and outs since I don't have a drum room set up yet. The Focusrite stuff looks promising, but that RME stuff also looks sexual. Do they have anything on the lower end with only a few ins and outs?

Yeah, got it down to 64 without any issue. Just need a better interface it would seem. Thanks man, this whole thing has been a big headache.
Most of the RME hardware isn't going to preamps with "character", (they're all clean), and you're paying for the drivers more than anything. Try to find a Fireface 400 used, that's been my best purchase over the last few years. You can always add a "character" preamp later, or, better yet, add a plugin or two to the dry recording.

The Focusrite stuff is probably fine, but I refuse to recommend them. I got burned on the Scarlett series when it first came out with unusable drivers. That's the most important part of any interface, as you've found out. :D
You can always add a "character" preamp later, or, better yet, add a plugin or two to the dry recording.

That's my aim, definitely don't want anything coloring the signal without my control. I don't recall if my mobo has a slot for a firewire but I'll crack the fatty open tomorrow and see what I'm working with. Sorry to hear Focusrite screwed ya, I don't think I've ever had a piece of first-wave hardware that functioned as advertised. From my recording rig to gaming consoles. Most companies are just dicks like that. Thanks again for all the insight!