Interface opinion?


Mar 25, 2011
Hi everyone, I'm thinking of getting a new interface as I think my old one is past it.

I'm thinking of the Focusrite Liquid Sapphire 56 to replace my Old M-Audio Projectmix i/o. Just wondering if anyone has one and can give an opinion, and/or a comment on preamp quality between the two. I'll be mainly using it to record DI's down so the liquid mic preamps sound interesting for that if I use them with a good active DI box but I do record real drums regularly as well so all the other inputs will be needed.

I have the Pro 40 and it's amazing. It's sturdy enough to a point where dropping it did no harm to it. I also didn't notice a difference between the Safire pre's vs using my type 85 DI. However the liquid preamps sound cool, and the extra inputs are nice.
Hey thanks for the reply. I thought the liquid pre's would maybe ad some extra colour or flavour to DI's to give an edge but if it's decent quality all round then it still sounds like a winner.