Interface with at least 2 xlr + 2 line ins?


Santa Hat Forever
I tried searching but can´t find a clear answer. The thing is I´m super short on money but I need to get an interface that will allow me to record at least 4 mics to track drums, so I´m thinking the cheapest option would be an interface with 2 mic pres and 2 line inputs, so I can just put the other 2 mics through external pres (for example a small mixer with both mics panned so the stereo out of the mix is essentially sending both tracks separate) and be able to record the 4 tracks separately to my DAW. Now, I´m looking at the cheapest possible, for example looking in thomman I see various possible options in the 130-180 Euro range but it isn´t really clear if it´s possible to send all four inputs separately to the DAW through the USB interface. There´s the option of these cheap behringer stuff that come with USB, but I´m not really sure if they can actually send every input to the DAW or simply a stereo output. I´m also looking at Lexicon interfaces, they seem cheap and have a decent reputation on the webs but the cheap one says "can record two inputs at once" even though it has two mic pre inputs and 2 line inputs (not combo), and this one has enough inputs, but there´s this switch on the front for "usb assign" and lets you choose between 1-2 and 3-4 for each input, so it gives me the idea that you can record 4 tracks to DAW? or two stereo tracks? Sorry if I sound stupid, I just don´t seem to totally get it.

I guess a saffire pro 14 would be the surest option, but I would rather not need to reach that price cause it´ll take longer to gather the money, plus I normally record drums or other stuff at other places instead of my studio, and my laptop doesn´t have firewire so I would have to haul around my big desktop PC. It´s still an option, though, but any thoughts?

Edit: another option is this
also thought about saffire 14, but since you dont have FW on the laptop thats out of the game...and the usb saffire only as 2 inputs
yeah, I mean, I don´t discard it, cause I know it´s probably the best quality I can get for that price, but it´d be a pain every time I have to record some drums at a rehearsal place or similar shithole. Any other ideas, or do you think the lexicon or the alesis are good options for what I need? The Alesis has the advantage of giving me the chance to record 6 mics, which could mean toms (if only two are used), or perhaps some room mics if it´s a nice room.
I have the Lexicon Omega at home: These 1-2, 3-4 buttons are for routing the 2 stereo channels as you only will be able to record 4 mono channels at the same time. With 2 external pres you should be fine.
Also, you should consider that the Lexicon Omega only uses usb 1.1 - same seems to be the case with the alesis you have linked. Even if the Lexicon made no problems recording wise, the latency isn't the best for me under win7 x64/vista x32.
On my PC the usb noise issue is present while on my Laptop the interface is dead silent... I am not really experienced with mic pres, so I've no options to compare the dbx silver in the lexicon to anything else, but they fit my needs... at least so far. :Spin:

Maybe this can be helpfull.

ps: first post after looking for infos a lot in these forums during the last years :D
I have the Lexicon Omega at home: These 1-2, 3-4 buttons are for routing the 2 stereo channels as you only will be able to record 4 mono channels at the same time. With 2 external pres you should be fine.
Also, you should consider that the Lexicon Omega only uses usb 1.1 - same seems to be the case with the alesis you have linked. Even if the Lexicon made no problems recording wise, the latency isn't the best for me under win7 x64/vista x32.
On my PC the usb noise issue is present while on my Laptop the interface is dead silent... I am not really experienced with mic pres, so I've no options to compare the dbx silver in the lexicon to anything else, but they fit my needs... at least so far. :Spin:

Maybe this can be helpfull.

ps: first post after looking for infos a lot in these forums during the last years :D

Thanks for clearing that up about the switches, I get it now. You make a good point about the latency, of course that´s always an issue I´d try to avoid at all costs, and I think a cheap usb interface recording 4 inputs at the same time is suicide in that aspect? Maybe I should just man up and go Firewire?

I noticed the Alesis mixer says this: 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz stereo USB output for easy recording and playback from your computer. So that means the interface only sends the main stereo out and not every separate input? I suspected that, but I´ve never used these usb mixer thingies, I guess that´s what all these cheap behringer ones do as well?

P.S. Welcome to the forum and thanks for you help!
the TASCAM is only able to record two inputs simultaeously. and the latency is rather high.

i used to have one, but sold it and got a RME babyface. great little interface, but may be out of your budget range.
Thanks for clearing that up about the switches, I get it now. You make a good point about the latency, of course that´s always an issue I´d try to avoid at all costs, and I think a cheap usb interface recording 4 inputs at the same time is suicide in that aspect? Maybe I should just man up and go Firewire?

Actually I'm mostly recording 2 Mono Sources at 1 time: Guitar DI and a Flextone amp. This is no Problem and works flawless. The time I've had the Lexicon Interface brandnew I was messing with those 4 Chanel recordings (like you mentioned in your 1st post) which worked falwless aswell, at least as far as I remember. I won't be at home till Tuesday so I can't check if my brain is playing a trick on me at this point ;)
I'm also thinking about getitng a new firewire Interface to replace that lexicon, mainly for the realtime amp sim monitoring. Just for the recording aspect the Lexicon would be enough for me.

I noticed the Alesis mixer says this: 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz stereo USB output for easy recording and playback from your computer. So that means the interface only sends the main stereo out and not every separate input? I suspected that, but I´ve never used these usb mixer thingies, I guess that´s what all these cheap behringer ones do as well?

As I mentioned before: I can't tell you anything about the Alesis or Behringer Interfaces but the Lexicon is able to route 2 Stereo -> 4 Mono Channels seperatly. If you'll use the internal pres (say: 1-2) + 2 external pres going to the line-in (say: 3-4) you'll get what you were asking for: 4 (Mono!) Channels seperatly routable in your choice of DAW.

P.S. Welcome to the forum and thanks for you help!

Thanks man and you're welcome!
the TASCAM is only able to record two inputs simultaeously. and the latency is rather high.

i used to have one, but sold it and got a RME babyface. great little interface, but may be out of your budget range.

Yeah, I thought so, thanks! And the babyface has always looked appealing to me, but definitely out of my budget for now.

Actually I'm mostly recording 2 Mono Sources at 1 time: Guitar DI and a Flextone amp. This is no Problem and works flawless. The time I've had the Lexicon Interface brandnew I was messing with those 4 Chanel recordings (like you mentioned in your 1st post) which worked falwless aswell, at least as far as I remember. I won't be at home till Tuesday so I can't check if my brain is playing a trick on me at this point ;)
I'm also thinking about getitng a new firewire Interface to replace that lexicon, mainly for the realtime amp sim monitoring. Just for the recording aspect the Lexicon would be enough for me.

As I mentioned before: I can't tell you anything about the Alesis or Behringer Interfaces but the Lexicon is able to route 2 Stereo -> 4 Mono Channels seperatly. If you'll use the internal pres (say: 1-2) + 2 external pres going to the line-in (say: 3-4) you'll get what you were asking for: 4 (Mono!) Channels seperatly routable in your choice of DAW.

Thanks man and you're welcome!

Yeah, the Lexicon is right now my biggest contender next to this one:

This one might be winning slightly only because of the bonus of not having to carry around extra pres or an extra mixer cause it has the 4 mic preamps in one, and I had some good reccomendations from a friend so I can count on it being as reliable as you tell me about the Lexicon. Still thinking though, gotta wait for the money anyways.
Yeah, the Lexicon is right now my biggest contender next to this one:

This one might be winning slightly only because of the bonus of not having to carry around extra pres or an extra mixer cause it has the 4 mic preamps in one, and I had some good reccomendations from a friend so I can count on it being as reliable as you tell me about the Lexicon. Still thinking though, gotta wait for the money anyways.

That's a big point: Personally I'd go with the alesis for your purposes. Just plug'n'record than, no pres to carry around sounds like a good reason.

Btw: my brain didn't fool me: 4 channel recording is working without any problems on the Omega.