intermission play list next year?

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Kudos to the organizers of PP III for the great music prior and between sets.

I think it would be a good idea to have a play list of all the songs played during the intermissions. The list could be posted a couple of times between the vendor tables.

Even though all the essential ID is noted over the PA at the end of the song, it's pretty easy to miss it if you are in a loud hallway or are occupied digging in your pocket looking for a tip for the poor old man :erk: keeping the bathroom sinks clean. Man, I can't image what he thought of all those farting, belching, happy drunks :loco: that invaded his turf over the weekend.

Getting back to the subject, I missed the credits for a song that got my interest on Saturday. Fortunately, I got some help on getting the name of a band (Ascension Theory) from the forum that I wasn't able to get at the show. Thanks again Deron for helping me with the order of the disc from your site.

I don't care if it's just a handwritten photocopy that the producer used when deciding what tracks to include between sets.
You know, I agree completely! I had the same thing happen.. I was intensely diggin' one of the tunes, but my attention was diverted and I relized about half a song later that I missed the track info. I went to the guys at the sound board but they said they have no idea since all they do is pop in a premade CD. I have ZERO info to figure out who it was too :-\ Eh... I'm sure they'll turn up again.. I sure do like your idea!
