the best band to play next year?

I think this is where I mention an Intromental band ;)

That would suit you really fine if you did :)

I sat through the presentation Saturday night saying

-"Oh, cool S.U.E.!"
-"Ah, Andromeda"
-"Heard of Iron Savior...crowd sure liked that announcement but I know nothing"
-"JOP - Cool"

Ehmm ... then you saw more of the presentation than I did. :loco:

Sooooooo that being said I am so far most excited to see Pathosray (their clip on the video Sat. night got me very interested) and Volbeat. It's going to be a GOOD year. :D

I of course am most excited to see Pathosray, since it's the only of the Intromental bands I haven't seen myself yet.

VolBeat are awesome live - they'll tear down the roof!

It's good to know I can always count on you to piss on the parade is some shape or fashion

Oh, I love your festival and lay tons of money on it(except for VII, which to be honest I did spend a lot of time bitching about). The headliners will be better because the headliners are always the best bands, IMO. Otherwise they wouldn't be headliners.

And for the record, I was 100% wrong about After Forever, which was my designated bitching last year. I loved the performance.

And I didn't bitch at all about V and VI, which ruled in every possible way.
IMHO....Volbeat is gonna burn the place down and then some
i just love the mix of metal and 50's rock....punk also
we should thank Glenn everyday for getting these guys on the roster :D



now lets hope for a Dio headlining spot :D:D

Just listened to Rock the Rebel and gotta say these people are gonna scorch the audience next fall. I may need to duck after saying this but the band reminds me a bit of System of a Down--say what you will about the latter band but the energy of both groups is undeniable.

Guess I will need to pick up the other album I saw on Amazon.
Elvenking, Iron Savior, and Jon Oliva's Pain as it currently stands.

However, still waiting for the headliners before I make any decisive choices, though Elvenking is one of my favorites...
I don't know about the "best" band to play at IX. But I will say I'm probably looking forward to Elvenking most of all. I've recently discovered the odd genre known as "folk metal" and I've really liked it. So Elvenking, to me, represents a completely new kind of musical genre that I'm very much looking forward to experiencing.

That said, I am also most keen to see (in this order):

Riverside (these guys blow me away)
Pathosray (a great new band)
Astral Doors (killer riffs)
Volbeat (another new genre)
Spheric Universe Experience (wow)

See? I could go on and on.

So..."best"? I don't see there being a best. But bands I'm very eager to see I noted above.