the best band to play next year?


the ProgPower DONKEY!!:D
Jul 25, 2002
Griffin, GA
IMHO....Volbeat is gonna burn the place down and then some
i just love the mix of metal and 50's rock....punk also
we should thank Glenn everyday for getting these guys on the roster :D



now lets hope for a Dio headlining spot :D:D
Spheric Universe Experience for me. Too bad they've only got an opening slot.
Riverside is the best band in the lineup and should please the prog fans who have not heard of them (but jebus people you have 10 months buy a fucking album for chrissakes!) as well as those who have.

Of the rest, it is a tossup between Andromeda and Elvenking for me.
Definitely VOLBEAT! Awesome stuff. Do they remind anyone else of Saigon Kick? :worship:

Maybe you younguns are not familiar with them?

They remind me of a lot of psychobilly & rockabilly punk bands.

I have no 'best'; too many good bands that I know I'll enjoy.
I think this is where I mention an Intromental band ;)

To be honest I am getting in to so much new music because of this line up. I sat through the presentation Saturday night saying

-"Oh, cool S.U.E.!"
-"Ah, Andromeda"
-"Heard of Iron Savior...crowd sure liked that announcement but I know nothing"
-"JOP - Cool"

Sooooooo that being said I am so far most excited to see Pathosray (their clip on the video Sat. night got me very interested) and Volbeat. It's going to be a GOOD year. :D
Definitely VOLBEAT! Awesome stuff. Do they remind anyone else of Saigon Kick? :worship:

Maybe you younguns are not familiar with them?
I'm familiar with them!! ;) Of course, you know that because you're responsible for it. I also think Volbeat sounds like Saigon Kick but you also know that since we had this discussion in the car Sunday ;)

Atlanta to Raleigh is a lot longer drive then some would have you to think ;) totally worth it this time!