International Cell Phones


Jul 25, 2002
North Carolina
Howdy y'all !

My sister and I are going to Denmark in November (for this crappy festival, heh ;) ) and we are looking for a cell phone to use while we are there that won't be completely ridiculous price-wise. I know a lot of you travel abroad so what are your suggestions? What did you use? Do you know anything that absolutely is a rip-off?

Thanks loves.
I used a Motorola SLVR. The good thing about this baby is that you can leave your I-Pod at home because it is also an I-Pod! I used this when I was in China and the Philippines. So, if it is good in those places.... It is relatively cheap, as it is not a popular model. Good Luck!

Ray C.
Howdy y'all !

My sister and I are going to Denmark in November (for this crappy festival, heh ;) ) and we are looking for a cell phone to use while we are there that won't be completely ridiculous price-wise. I know a lot of you travel abroad so what are your suggestions? What did you use? Do you know anything that absolutely is a rip-off?

Thanks loves.

Crappy festival? *GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRR* hehe :-)

Actually, you should ask Drew, as I know his phone used fine when he was here ...

Hey Tess, my Sanyo Katana II with the Sprint overseas plan works just fine, in fact we give all of our engineers that phone now when they travel outside the USA. The cost per minute is like .06 or .08 cents a minute. But as Claus said ask Drew his worked just fine
Howdy y'all !

My sister and I are going to Denmark in November (for this crappy festival, heh ;) ) and we are looking for a cell phone to use while we are there that won't be completely ridiculous price-wise. I know a lot of you travel abroad so what are your suggestions? What did you use? Do you know anything that absolutely is a rip-off?

Thanks loves.

Guess you shouldn't have got that dumb ol iPhone eh? ;p
T-mobile has pay as you go, with international calling. I'll be snagging one of those in the months to come, as I plan on being over there quite a bit next year. Also, check with your phone company, as most of them do have services for their contract holders, that will allow the use of a tri-band phone while traveling in Europe, without having to buy one.
Crappy festival? *GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRR* hehe :-)

Actually, you should ask Drew, as I know his phone used fine when he was here ...


Actually, I should not say that. The festival is not crappy.....just the guy running it is :heh: heh.....

Guess you shouldn't have got that dumb ol iPhone eh? ;p

Justin you definitely didn't have to tell everyone that! /10 xoxoxo

Thanks for the suggestions/tips so far. I talked to my cell company about it yesterday and they were giving me some garbarge about either 1.29/minute or .99/minute so I surfed the net for a bit and kept finding things that looked like a scam so I posted here! :goggly: The .06 or .08 sounds pretty good though ;)

Thanks for the suggestions/tips so far. I talked to my cell company about it yesterday and they were giving me some garbarge about either 1.29/minute or .99/minute so I surfed the net for a bit and kept finding things that looked like a scam so I posted here! :goggly: The .06 or .08 sounds pretty good though ;)

The 1.29 and .99 are going to be the average you're going to get from anywhere. The billing in Europe is a bit different than here, where the cost gets divided up between the person calling and the person answering vs over there, where the person calling foots the bill, among other things.
I use T-Mobile and got the T-Mobile Dash because it was a quadband phone (meaning that it could work on European mobile network frequencies). T-Mobile doesn't have an international phone plan, and calls are $.99/min, even if someone calls you and you don't pick up. It's quite steep, but I used mine mainly as an emergency phone and a call-home-to-let-the-parents-know-I'm-not-dead-(yet) phone. Text messages were $.30 or $.35 per outgoing message and receiving text messages is free if you have one of the text message plans (like $5/mo for 400 or whatever it is).

It was expensive, and I'm sure there are companies with better rates there, but I needed a phone to use here in the US with a decent plan that would also work in Europe, and T-Mobile had the best deal for that.
The 1.29 and .99 are going to be the average you're going to get from anywhere. The billing in Europe is a bit different than here, where the cost gets divided up between the person calling and the person answering vs over there, where the person calling foots the bill, among other things.

AHHHHHH! Damn. That makes sense I guess :zombie:

You've got less than 4 weeks till you see me again at ProgPower USA ... this means you've got 4 weeks to be nice to me every single day on this forum, if you don't want me to remember this ... GRRRR


You need way more than 4 weeks to make up for all the time you've bullied us so why should I even start? Besides, aren't you too busy to come this year? Ugh.

I use T-Mobile and got the T-Mobile Dash because it was a quadband phone (meaning that it could work on European mobile network frequencies). T-Mobile doesn't have an international phone plan, and calls are $.99/min, even if someone calls you and you don't pick up. It's quite steep, but I used mine mainly as an emergency phone and a call-home-to-let-the-parents-know-I'm-not-dead-(yet) phone. Text messages were $.30 or $.35 per outgoing message and receiving text messages is free if you have one of the text message plans (like $5/mo for 400 or whatever it is).

It was expensive, and I'm sure there are companies with better rates there, but I needed a phone to use here in the US with a decent plan that would also work in Europe, and T-Mobile had the best deal for that.
Thanks -- I might just use my phone then for the .99/minute. We will only be using it for the call-home-to-let-the-parents-know-we're-not-dead-(yet) phone also.......I hope!
For my trip to the UK a few years ago, I rented a phone from Rent-A-Phone, based in the UK, and it was awesome (and surprisingly cheap). Basically, they air-express the phone to you before you leave, and it's fine for the UK stay. The really neet thing was, as a Verizon customer I had free call forwarding, so if someone called me here, the phone rang over there. The cost, including shipping to and from me, was about $30. Calls made from the phone over there were about a dollar a minute. Quite reasonable. I'm trying to find their website for ya; I hope they're still in business.
I was in Germany for 10 days and as a Verizon customer I checked them out and ended up renting a phone from them. They have a contract with a UK based company called Vodaphone and it was Damn expensive. $50 up front, $150 security deposit billed to your credit card up front and after that billed in increments of $150. Then on top of that $1.50 a minute regardless of calling in or out. Did have call forwarding from US Phone # which was nice and voice mail capability but you get charge for calling voicemail and a separate fee for using voicemail.

If not for work paying for it I wouldn't have used it.

For my trip to the UK a few years ago, I rented a phone from Rent-A-Phone, based in the UK, and it was awesome (and surprisingly cheap). Basically, they air-express the phone to you before you leave, and it's fine for the UK stay. The really neet thing was, as a Verizon customer I had free call forwarding, so if someone called me here, the phone rang over there. The cost, including shipping to and from me, was about $30. Calls made from the phone over there were about a dollar a minute. Quite reasonable. I'm trying to find their website for ya; I hope they're still in business.

Cool stuff.....if that works in DK it sounds like a great deal! :) Thank you!!

I was in Germany for 10 days and as a Verizon customer I checked them out and ended up renting a phone from them. They have a contract with a UK based company called Vodaphone and it was Damn expensive. $50 up front, $150 security deposit billed to your credit card up front and after that billed in increments of $150. Then on top of that $1.50 a minute regardless of calling in or out. Did have call forwarding from US Phone # which was nice and voice mail capability but you get charge for calling voicemail and a separate fee for using voicemail.

If not for work paying for it I wouldn't have used it.


YIKES! I will stay away from this option! :)
Cool stuff.....if that works in DK it sounds like a great deal! :) Thank you!!

Yes, I remember that it would work in most European countries, as it was a tri-band phone. It just happened that the company and my destination were both in the UK.

The top-scoring 'hit' for Rent-A-Phone doesn't appear to be a UK-based company. Dangit, they might have gone under or something. At the price they were charging and then paying for air-express shipping both ways, I can't see how they made any money.
Yes, I remember that it would work in most European countries, as it was a tri-band phone. It just happened that the company and my destination were both in the UK.

The top-scoring 'hit' for Rent-A-Phone doesn't appear to be a UK-based company. Dangit, they might have gone under or something. At the price they were charging and then paying for air-express shipping both ways, I can't see how they made any money.