International Peace-If you can't handle a differnce of opinion, please don't read.

Metal Maiden

Cooking with Anthrax
Nov 18, 2002
I'd do Shania.
I enjoy the varied opinions we have around here. International Peace Day is Sunday and I was wondering:

What one thing do you think would have to happen or could actually make a difference towards obtaining a more peaceful world?

I think if more people could have an open mind. Something so simple and yet unattainable.
What one thing do you think would have to happen or could actually make a difference towards obtaining a more peaceful world?
Extinction of mankind.

A less appocalyptic way and an idealistic is the dissapearance of religious operesion, open mindness and tolerance for all things out of the norm. The loss of pride, egonism and ignorance. That's it for me today!:D
I'd like think that we could all be open minded as well. Personally I wouldn't mind turning on C-Span and see our elected officials accomplish something instead of having a pissing contest.
As long as there are people there will be war and strife. It's in our nature. Someone always has a piece of land that guy thinks they should and if he won't sell it to him, then it'll have to be taken from him. My invisible man in the sky is always better than your invisible man in the sky and the more you disagree with me the more you have to die unbeliever. Eating meat is evil, if you disagree than you're immoral, gotta die for the sake of the world.

Call me a cynic or call me a realist but the only thing that will stop people from fighting is as Weapon X said "Extinction of mankind."
well it was a sort of joke. But people get just as defensive about music as they do with religion. It's the same "i'm right and you're wrong so you're going to hell" thing. I've seen fights over it. At the junior High down the road from my highschool the kids into rap hated the kids that were into metal and vice-versa. fights would break out. a girl was lynched. I'm sure it was a little deeper than just music and went into racial tension. I was walking to my friends apartment. I was like 18 at the time. and a little Black boy told me "we hate headbangers around here" and i just laughed at him because he was a third my size(i'm pretty small myself) and walked away. It was a crazy notion but after my experiances at concerts and on message boards it makes sense to me. Music affects us in the same ways religion does. Look at all the girls who dressed up like Avril. Too many people are way too impressionable. plus there are alot of kids who are affected by "rock stars".

any way thats my rant

Jono said:
It's the same "i'm right and you're wrong so you're going to hell" thing.

True, some people need to fight about something, anything. Why?

I'm more of a "I'm not always right and you're not always wrong" kind of person.
Just look at all those hungry mouths we have to feed
Take a look at all the suffering we breed
So many lonely faces scattered all around
Searching for what they need

Is this the world we created?
What did we do it for?
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law?
So it seems in the end
Is this what we're all living for today?
The world that we created

You know that every day a helpless child is born
Who needs some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by

Is this the world we created?
We made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated
Right to the bone?
If there's a God in the sky looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that He created?

Freddie Mercury: 1984
This reminds me of a fan review of S.O.D.'s Live at Budokan (import) on

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
very thoughtful music, March 26, 2001
[/size][/font][font=verdana,arial,helvetica][size=-1]Reviewer: jeremy woodworth from catonsville, md United States [/size][/font]ever since I marched with billy milano in the sixtys against intolerence toward gays at bigoted music halls I've always known him to be a passionate warm myn. With great poem and verse he sculpts word pictures like a great work of art by john maplethorpe or tim mcviegh. This great tower of virtue and fortitude has done more to eradicate racism and sexism than any Gloria Steinam, Sinead O'conner or Martin Luther King jr. If he could only take time out of his busy schedule feeding needy malnourished children in ethiopia to further the cause of world peace, this world would have been utopia by now. If he's not honoring the great thinkers of the century like jim morrison, phil hartman, or jim gordon, he works his humble job at the zoo nursing sickly bears back to health. This music will be played for centuries by its musical value alone; but the message that mr milano wrote is eternal. God bless them for honesty and love
Metal Maiden said:
I enjoy the varied opinions we have around here. International Peace Day is Sunday and I was wondering:

What one thing do you think would have to happen or could actually make a difference towards obtaining a more peaceful world?

I think if more people could have an open mind. Something so simple and yet unattainable.

You fuckin Tree Hugger! Just kiddin, baby. You know I didn't mean it.
By the way, I saw those finger-painting's you've brought home and THEY SUCK!!
I'm sorry baby. You know I didn't mean to be like that. I'll make it up to you....

OH!! :wave: Well, until the end of mankind, there ALWAYS will be war. Sorry, but it's true. Maybe if one day we evolve into some kinds of extra-terrestrials that are smart enough NOT to have organized religion... and stuff like that...........
You know what I think; sport the war - war support:That's what we used to say in Bosnia and before we knew it, we had 200 000 people killed... and we also used to say "Slay thy neighbor before he slays thee" only not in old english. :)

There shall never be world peace. Envy, h8red and the inherent quality of people being sheep make it possible for 1% of population to rule 99%. And as long as the 1% are able to fire up the masses by stupid, irrelevant arguments, there will be no peace.
Once you remove the religious right from power in the US, things should get a little better. FYI, it seems that the USA and the middle east have this problem with the ultra-right-religious always trying to tell others what to do... Maybe that's why so many people hate both regions...
Sgt-D said:
Once you remove the religious right from power in the US, things should get a little better. FYI, it seems that the USA and the middle east have this problem with the ultra-right-religious always trying to tell others what to do... Maybe that's why so many people hate both regions...
The right is on the way OUT. Check out Al Franken's new book.
TD said:
The right is on the way OUT. Check out Al Franken's new book.
Or it's staying forever, check out Ann Coulters new book.

For every left book you name I can name a right one that says the exact opposite.