International Peace-If you can't handle a differnce of opinion, please don't read.

Ragamuffin said:
Or it's staying forever, check out Ann Coulters new book.

For every left book you name I can name a right one that says the exact opposite.
I'm thinking that Dubya will have pissed enough people off that they will wake up soon. He's already put the wheels in motion to destroy the education system. Believe me when I tell you that "No Child Left Behind" is only gonna leave millions more behind (not to mention drive a lot of good educators out of work - Ohio University is having so few students want to be teachers now, that they actually have a shortage of student teachers - they still had a surplus just a few years ago). And I want even get into the billions a week we are spending in Iraq. I wonder how many sick children could have insurance with that money???????
Jono said:
hey rag you have to take into consideration that AL Franken is fucking funny but Anne Coulter is Fucking scary nutzo. She's like "Hitler" crazy. and jees she's fucking scary!

She was really just the first name that came to mind.

And I can honestly say I've never laughed at Al Franken in my life.

As far as W going or staying, we'll see soon enough.
I'm not one to bash religion, but I think that shit that went on in the middle ages still reaks to high Heaven today... prostelyzing and preaching and spirtual one-ups-manship. Fuck that shit. Lemmy said it right, "And religion, like the monster that it is
Keeps telling you to turn the other cheek
God is on your side, but I dont think that youre on his,
If Jesus showed up now hed be in jail by next week." (Brave New World).

I think the world needs God of the Old Testament... wrathful. That'd wake up fanatics, pushers, killers, deadbeat parents, and their ilk.

Enough of my venom. All you need is love.
Religion is what YOU make of it.
Duncan McCleod said it best when talking to Joe Dawson in season 4 (I think) "I've been around a long time, seen a lot of things, and met a lot of people Joe, but one thing keeps us going, just one thing." Joe: "What thing is that?" Mac: "Faith Joe, faith." (then he took a big gulp of single malt!!)
Faith doesn't have to be a religious thing. I have faith that I'll have a good year at work and I (am trying to) have faith that I will make my current "relationship" workout, and I have faith that yada, yada, yada.
Even agnostics have faith, they have faith in their believes that we are too dumb to comprehend GOD. So we all have faith in something. I don't care if it's playdough, we all have to have faith in something.
That's my soapbox on faith.

P.S. I've walked out of too many totalled cars, and came out of too many SHADY ass situations smelling like a rose to not believe someone doesn't have an eye out for me. That or I've done some serious good deeds and generated a surplus of karma. Believe me when I tell you, I should have been dead or in jail many a time, but something pulled me through, and it has happened too often to be "luck"
TD said:
You are playing the greatest live record in the history of the genre Justin, well it is tied with Alive!, but good pick anyway. BTW, what do you think of my take on "faith" you are a good catholic boy.
Yes, it's great. (I especially like how it would have fit on one CD, but it's on two.)

Didn't you love Scott's little talk after "Lone Justice" in Columbus? How he can only walk because he paid Gene. They can't afford to play "Lone Justice" because Gene owns the rights, etc.

I have faith in nothing.

We got a little surprise for you tonight. We're going to turn the microphone over to Ace Frehley. Shock me!
I hear my brother Ty on the faith thing. BUT, at the same time...I don't really give a rat's ass about anything anymore.
But this is a good thing. I think I used to have too much faith in everything. Now I just don't care.
I do what I can to make things optimistic.....and if things just don't work out....FUCK IT. Who cares. :D

I watched Office Space 3 times in the last couple of days.
I remember that episode TD talked about. I liked that episode and to me, that summed things up really well. How do you know God exists, faith. Everyone has faith in something. I think faith in the morales, and not the, my God is better than your God arguments. You will not know until the end anyways, and there are a lot of religions out there.

I stand by my, Religious Principles without the Religion.