International Peace-If you can't handle a differnce of opinion, please don't read.

TD said:
Religion is what YOU make of it.
Duncan McCleod said it best when talking to Joe Dawson in season 4 (I think) "I've been around a long time, seen a lot of things, and met a lot of people Joe, but one thing keeps us going, just one thing." Joe: "What thing is that?" Mac: "Faith Joe, faith." (then he took a big gulp of single malt!!)
Faith doesn't have to be a religious thing. I have faith that I'll have a good year at work and I (am trying to) have faith that I will make my current "relationship" workout, and I have faith that yada, yada, yada.
Even agnostics have faith, they have faith in their believes that we are too dumb to comprehend GOD. So we all have faith in something. I don't care if it's playdough, we all have to have faith in something.
That's my soapbox on faith.

P.S. I've walked out of too many totalled cars, and came out of too many SHADY ass situations smelling like a rose to not believe someone doesn't have an eye out for me. That or I've done some serious good deeds and generated a surplus of karma. Believe me when I tell you, I should have been dead or in jail many a time, but something pulled me through, and it has happened too often to be "luck"
You'd be amazed at what kind of stupid shit I've heard at my bar. I had this one custumer trying to impress the girl he was with. She was hounded by a couple of other guys and this one IDIOT was trying to show off by saying "I've been in jail so many times". As if to brag about it or look like a tough guy. It's not about the crime you commit, it's about being smart about getting away with it. And most importantly, that you're not hurting anyone.
Faith is pretty good thing, cos it's PERSONAL thing. How could anyone interfere into that? Religions and churches seriously SCARE me. I see way too much evil and death behind. Can't see the good things. Christianit church is a sect, which differs from the other sects only by money that it has gained (stolen) through the years.
My 2 cents: Since i got in late on this one--Jeb Bush for President.OMFG that could be the end of life as we know it. :tickled: :ill:

I have to agree that I believe in some sort of higher power or more like some sort of life force that exists throughout the world. I pray sometimes and I believe in being a "good" person--not by going to church every sunday, but by treating people well and trying to be nice to others. (Although many people are such stupid assholes there's many I'd like to kill--did I say that?!!) I do it because i want to and believe something is there--karma, inner spirit, whatever you wanna call it. I don't do it because idiots tried to brainwash me into thinking i was going to hell if i didn't give up 25% of my earnings and goto church 10 times a week and get rid of my Slayer and Anthrax collection and get rid of my old porno collection and my Playboys, etc. etc.

Organized religion does mess up a lot of things. i don't need to be "led" in prayer or told what to think and believe. Many think there is only one path to the end of your life and everybody else is wrong.

Anybody ever see that South Park where they end up in hell and some guy asks hey why am i here and the "director" guy says well you were all the wrong religion? So the guy says: mormon--you had to be mormon. THey show Heaven and all the mormons are having fun clapping and singing religious songs and dfoing after school specials and they show a guy vbashing his head against a wall wishing he was in hell. :tickled: :tickled: It was very funny.
Just remember that any time you put the word "fundimentalist" in front of any religious group, they become dangerous. Most fundimentalist groups consist of people with VERY SMALL windows of tolerance towards anyone not exactly like them.

I have a theory about god and the higher power. Many many years ago, god made his presence known to the many peoples of the world, who were quite spread out at the time. He said the same basic things to all of them: "Play nice with each other," "respect the earth that I gave you," "don't be an asshole," etc. Seeing that each of these different peoples of the world come from different environments and cultures, what sounded the same when god spoke started to alter itself with each of these groups to adapt to their culture's lifestyles. And, of course, when two different cultures finally met, the belief structure differed just enough by that time to make them sound different. Basically, I'm saying that we're all worshipping a different branch of the same tree. So we should stop being cocksmokers to other religious groups, because you never know what's on the other end of the branch they're diggin!

I hope that made sense...
Metal Maiden said:
And how would things be if we all felt this way?

Well, here's a better way of putting it. I re-read my post and it didn't sound the way I intended it:
I have faith in myself. I believe in myself. I trust myself. And outside of myself, whatever happens, happens.
When I was young I'd always wonder 'Why don't things EVER work out the way I need them too?????' :yell:
But now, I just don't care about anything. I'll say, "That would be cool if ___. But if things don't go my way, WHATEVER."
It's not like I don't try, it's just.....Why get your hopes up for things when you can only trust yourself?
I think, as long as you feel that you're doing the right thing, that's all that matters....
Does that make more sense?
It's not like I hate everything.

I'd care if you put your hand down my pants, I think. :hotjump:
Jeeez christ! Why would you two guys turn EVERY fuckin' thread into FUCKING each other? I'd rather you DID it than write about it here and drive me insane even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
johnnieCzech said:
Jeeez christ! Why would you two guys turn EVERY fuckin' thread into FUCKING each other? I'd rather you DID it than write about it here and drive me insane even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can watch, dude! :D We'll film it for ya!