Interview with 4/5 of Morgana Lefay, Nocturnal Rites for Powerfest posted \m/


Photo Mistress
I'm happy to release a VERY detailed interview from my Swedes, Morgana Lefay. Little do you know how hard yet entertaining it is to get FOUR of the FIVE band members to get answers back to me! HA! Even more entertaining is coming up with some questions geared to each band member specifically, yet having a few where they all answer certain questions. I think we've managed to cover pretty much every release, lots of off the wall questions and things you always wondered about the band-type of questions as well. Concluding my pre-show promotion of the four international bands appearing at Powerfest is an interesting interview with Nils Eriksson from Nocturnal Rites. Also posted are various interviews (new and archived) from Angel Dust, The Crown, Hammerfall, Sacred Steel and Symphony X. To view any of these interviews, please visit, then go to the INTERACT button on top, then choose INTERVIEWS. Happy reading and please post if you have more questions about the four bands!!!

[By the way, I posted the Biomechanical, Eldritch, Symphorce, Amon Amarth, Primordial, Strapping Young Lad, King Diamond, Manowar and Sonata Arcticainterviews last week, in case you're interested. They are in order of newest to oldest. :) ]
Great interview with the Morgana guys Squeak!! Their personalities and sense of humor were captured well. Bravo! :kickass:

The Eldritch and Biomechanical interviews were great also. I didn't know much about these bands before reading, but now I feel like I "know" them a bit better. Time to go cd shopping. :)
