Interview with Billy Nocera/Razorback Records


Hallucinating Death
Dec 24, 2001
Not very brutal-friendly, but it's an interesting, spicy one nonetheless! ;)

Interview with the adorable gorehog Billy Nocera of RAZORBACK RECORDS


"The CD's sold much more, but now with there being hundreds of other labels, myspace bands, downloading and CDR burning, and just general burnout from the's been much less these days."

"Jill and I did 95% of the promotion and in the end were treated like crap and are now forgotten and ignored."

"We live in a small one bedroom apartment, man. We don't even own a house. The label was kept alive by working full-time and part-time jobs."

"I'm not one of those guys that will quit if I can't "make money" doing this or get some kind of "major deal". Nope. I do this for the pure love of it and because I'm a lifetime horror and metal freak!"

Yeah him and bundy are sure opiniated but he is not as bad as bundy who banned me from his forum when i disagreed with him that Dying Fetus and Origin is in what he called wigger death metal. So i guess i honestly dont have a problem with him. But Blaspherion can suck it.