Interview with Michael Romeo talking Iconoclast

Nice interview indeed. Thanks.

I really can't wait for this album. Looks like it's gonna be pretty cool!
Very nice! this restored my faith in the band haha. The new album sounds sweet the way Romeo puts it. Iconoclast is 12 or 13 minutes? Very cool.
You have been on record as stating that Symphony X would like to undertake a live DVD concert production complete with a full orchestra. Is this true and how close are we to this becoming a reality?
That’s something I think the band really needs to do. We do have an agreement with Nuclear Blast but no real details about when or where this will happen. It makes total sense because we have been around for so long and we are finally going to do a live DVD the Symphony X music would just be enhanced so much by a live orchestra. It’s just such a huge undertaking. I would like to announce the show to the whole world that it’s going to happen and film it at a central location therefore making it easy for our fans to get to. I would love to offer for our fans a travel package and make it affordable as possible. For fans coming a great distance offer some sort of VIP experience for them, make an event of it. Possibly multiple nights with a few different songs thrown in. It really needs to be planned so it’s special.

Oh. My. Friggin'. God.

This was like an orgasm for my eyes...

I'm saving my money for this! I don't even care where they do it. Just do it. Soon please. :drool: