Interview with Mr. Å

Killer interview......cant wait for the record man......its gonna blow us away......I know that.....I always say this when Opeth is making a new record...and Ive never been proved wrong yet...Opeth is one of those bands that just cant make bad music....Keep truckin bro....!!!!!......PEAC EOUT
One thing I don't want to hear is that I'm doing commercial music and there's no feeling to it. That kind of hurts - especially because those people don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

I couldn't of said it better myself. :kickass:
From now on, I will spare you from my humor, since it seems to intelligent for your puny little minds...

.... or maybe sarcasm just doesn't go over well on the net...
Fantastic stuff.

After being an Opeth fan for so long, I still get excited about the new stuff. GR was solid. I can't imagine this being any less, regardless of who is or isn't in the band.
Thank you for posting this. I can't wait for this. By far my most anticipated release of 2008.
An Opeth album heavily influenced by Scott Walker's The Drift? As interested as I am in hearing that, I hope that alot of the beautiful melodic sections dont totally just fuckin disappear or anything like that.
That interview raises my expectations for the new release even more. Mikael mentions people saying that Opeth don't have anything new to offer but I've always felt that the opposite is true - that each album has its own identity and is good in it's own right. The interview seems to signal another change in direction and I look forward to it.
MTV just did an interview with Mike. Read it here.
Not too long, but it's a nice read and certainly makes me even more excited for the new record.

It reminds me of our third record, [1998's My Arms, Your Hearse,] because it's very energetic. It doesn't sound like a tired, old-man's band. It sounds like a band that's really enjoying to play, and it's pretty insane.
MTV just did an interview with Mike. Read it here.
Not too long, but it's a nice read and certainly makes me even more excited for the new record.

Thanks! What a great interview!! And from MTV?!?! I'm so excited for this new sounds like it won't disappoint. But, afaic, they have never disappointed.

I know what Mike's talking about how having kids changes your perspective and causes you to be scared in ways you never were before. I've said since my first was little: you don't know fear until you have children.

The thought of actual church organ being on the album is pretty exciting.