

Nov 20, 2003
London Uk
Found this on the web when searching for reviews really good interview
Our Ten Questions Go Up To 11

M4L: Who are you and how would you personally describe your music?
Jasun: I'm Jasun Tipton the guitarist of Zero Hour. Zero Hour's music is Heavy, in your face, dark, intricate material that uses odd-time signatures, poly-rhythms and tempo changes. With these elements we add plenty of clean tone passages to create a story line within the music. Great vocals and lyrics over the dynamic music makes it a fresh listen for METAL-HEADS!!!

M4L: When writing, where do you begin?
Jasun: For "Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond" it was a pretty organic process. We come into the studio and maybe have one part put together and Troy (Bass player), Mikey (Drummer) and I jam in our rehearsal place grabbing the vibe from the one idea to lead us to the end of the song. This allows us to throw the kitchen sink at the listener and therefor the material is more original. Once we have all the music written we'll give a CD to Chris (Vocalist) and he starts working out melodies and lyrics. Troy comes in at some point to help him with timing, lyrics and melody lines.

M4L: Which groups, artists and/or bands inspire you?
Jasun: The Pat Metheny Group, Cynic, Meshuggah, Dillinger Escape Plan, Tool, Buckethead, Rainbow and this list could go forever. So many great artist out there we listen to.

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M4L: Are you influenced by art and literature at all?
Jasun: Yes my brother and I are very much into art and literature. Zero Hour has done a couple conceptual CD's in the past. We look at our songs in the way that where painting a picture and telling the story behind the picture.

M4L: Are there any songs/tracks that you have heard and thought, I wish I'd written that?
Jasun: Maybe not saying I wish I wrote it because everyone has their voice in music and that's how we become inspired by hearing great material from other artist. Some songs I would like to know what was the band or entertainers thought process when writing a particular song.

M4L: Do you push yourself to write, or do you have to wait until you're inspired?
Jasun: The band does have to be in the right state of mind when getting ready to write material. Once we're all focused we'll start writing new material.

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M4L: What was it that made you get into making music?
Jasun: Music was always being played in my house when I was little. My Dad would listen to Elvis, James Brown, lots of 50's music. My mom was into Pat Metheny, Hendrix, George Benson, Earth wind and Fire, Led Zeppelin. I would sing the songs, chant the guitar lines and just love music. When I heard Jason Becker Perpetual Burn that was the CD that made go out and buy a guitar.

M4L: Do you feel the internet is a good way of helping/promoting your music?
Jasun: The internet is essential for all bands. The reason we're what we are today is all due to the internet. When we first put out our s/t Demo the band never played out before. Our webmaster Buddah pointed us in the right direction of some message boards and forums. We gave people a link to buy our material and to hear a song. Vendors started coming our way wanting to buy CD's, labels came our way with interest to sign us and magazine wanted our material to review. When the reviews started coming out we sold 2,100 copies we made. We were being interviewed by major mags in Europe and helped pave the way with us signing a deal with Sensory Records.

M4L: Has the computer age, and its use in creating, editing and manipulating music helped you in any way?
Jasun: We now record all our material on pro-tools and it's pretty much the standard today. It's better for the material and easier to mix and fix ideas if their not to your exact liking. It's just the best process going.

M4L: Give me three good reasons why someone should buy your CDs, barring threats of bodily harm?
Jasun: The material has something for everyone. Plenty of Heavy chunk parts to bang your head to. The musician in this band are very talented and all have something to say with their instrument. The music doesn't follow a format which keeps the material fresh. So you could listen to songs over and over again and always find something new with every listen. Please check out clips on our web-pages or Zero Hour

M4L: Finally, If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Jasun: All the guy's in Zero Hour are good people and I would want to be friends with all the members in Zero Hour including myself.

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You can read a review of their new album here and you can go grab a copy of it for yourself here - Buy From Amazon .

Thanks to Karl.