

Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
so after i've wrote Q's for amon amarth interview they've liked my style and i got hired to do more!

what an awesome job i can choose the band i want to interview and i write the Q's

so this is my official thread of what band will i interview and if you got any Q's for them

currently i'm writing Q's for this band NAR JAHANAM
if you liked their music and would like to ask a Q, do so here!

another one i'm working on, is one of my fav bands PRIMORDIAL
if you like them and would like to ask them a Q, do so here!

more interviews will be added soon!

oh and amon amarth still havn't replied!
No offense, but why are you bragging about your "job" when the band hasn't even replied back to your questions? lol

The traditional way this works, is to go through the label or the band's publicist (usually most bands use their label's in-house PR guy but there are bands that use outside publicists). Most bands are too busy to answer questions whenever you send them to them as they are on the road or writing music, so they dedicate time for press that the publicist helps to organize. Thing is, the publication you are writing for also has to have a big enough name to warrant an interview as well. The whole point of doing these interviews is that they are (in theory) going to help sell CDs.

SOMETIMES asking a band directly will get you an interview, but this is probably the worst way to do it. You're really not going to get anywhere by just sending questions to bands.
No offense, but why are you bragging about your "job" when the band hasn't even replied back to your questions? lol

The traditional way this works, is to go through the label or the band's publicist (usually most bands use their label's in-house PR guy but there are bands that use outside publicists). Most bands are too busy to answer questions whenever you send them to them as they are on the road or writing music, so they dedicate time for press that the publicist helps to organize. Thing is, the publication you are writing for also has to have a big enough name to warrant an interview as well. The whole point of doing these interviews is that they are (in theory) going to help sell CDs.

SOMETIMES asking a band directly will get you an interview, but this is probably the worst way to do it. You're really not going to get anywhere by just sending questions to bands.

you got me wrong, i'm not requesting interviews here, nor am i asking amon amarth to reply faster, the reason i mentioned it, so people wont be bitchy about it and ask where is the interview

the thread i started is meant to be for people who wants to ask Q's to the bands that i'm currently interviewing!

the site i work for they contact the band/label not me, and when we get a response (that says yes) they pass it on to interviewers (me)!
Wow that's so cool! A zine that is dedicated to the middle eastern scene! Props dude. How many unique hits do you guys get per month?
JorZine reporters Ahmed Dahleh and Pervsion have conducted the following interview with Swedish Viking Metal Band AMON AMARHTH

JZ: :First of, thanks for your time and congrats on your contract with Metal Blade for the coming 3 albums, you started out your music as an old school death metal band and moved more into the Viking themed death metal later on, specially in your latest 2 albums. On your next release, should we expect a “Once Sent From Golden Hall” Or a “Twilight Of The Thundergod”?

AMON AMARTH: Thanks. I think it will be more like Twilight.

JZ: On Twilight, you’ve had many collaborations with guest musicians such as LG (Entombed), Roope (Children of Bodom), and Apocayloptica. Why is that?

AMON AMARTH: I think using guest musicians was something new we wanted to try for this album, and now we done that so I dont think we are going to use any guests on the next album. The next album we will try something new, what we dont know yet but we always try to bring in some new thing on each album even thou it can be something not so noticeable.

JZ: Speaking of future releases, any news on your next album you’d like to share? Will there be a “Lokes Treachery Part 2”?

AMON AMARTH: We wanted to make a “Lokes Treachery Part 2” on Twilight but the song ideas did not fit to that story. We will try again on the next album, but we havent really started to think about the next album yet.

JZ: Soon, you’ll be performing at the Uni-Rock Festival in turkey, it’s been a while since you’ve played there, are you excited about the show? Excited about any bands you’re sharing the stage with?

AMON AMARTH: I think its going to be great. We played at the same site in december and that turned out to be an awesome show so now when its a festival its probably gonna be even better. Since we are the last band and we come from another festival I'm not gonna have a chanse to see any other bands I would have liked to see Paradise lost though.

JZ: Great success was evident by the fact that fans from all over the world traveled to see Amon Amarth at Bloodshed Over "Bochum on New Years. Would you like to comment on that? And most importantly will there be in future a week of Bloodshed over Bochum where each album will be played? Or something similar?

AMON AMARTH: It was very cool to see fans from all over the world coming to this event,and we had a really good time doing this. We dont have any plans now about doing something similar with the other albums but you never know what the future will bring.

JZ: The release of Wrath of the Norsemen DVD was met with great feedback such as selling gold in the US! Eager fans are impatiently awaiting the release of the Bloodshed Over Bochum DVD, can you tell us when we should expect it to be released? Also, can fans expect a boxset of re-released albums to be available?

AMON AMARTH: Two of the reissues are already out and the next two will be out by the end of this year. All of them also contains the live version of each album that was recorded in Bocum. All the shows was also filmed but we dont know yet what we are going to use it for.

JZ: :How active is Amon Amarth with Joms Vikings? As we have noticed them on Wrath of the Norsemen DVD as well as the video clips being shot with them.

AMON AMARTH: We plan to have them on some shows in the future. Now we have done two videos with them so I think on the next video we will try something completly different.

JZ: You’ve always had great cover artworks, which is your favorite album cover from all past releases so far?

AMON AMARTH: My favorite is probably Twilight of the tundergod,but I also like the clean design of With Oden on our side.

JZ: Who came up with the bobbleheads idea? Do you guys personally own one of your bobbleheads? If so where do you keep them?

AMON AMARTH: It was Michael from our recordlabel who came up with the idea and we all have a set each. I have my bobblehead in my homestudio next to the monitor speaker.

JZ: On a video that featured Johan H, Johan S, and Ted, that showed us how to make good Viking mead! It was quiet fun to watch, do you have any extra tips to give? And what would be your favorite mead?

AMON AMARTH: I think the mead we drank when we did that videoclip was very good,it was from Denmark. I usually dont drink mead that often and that was the first time I made mead so I dont really have any more tips about meadmaking.

JZ: Amon Amarth never played in the Middle East; however, lots of fans are anticipating seeing you live! Are you planning to play in the near future? I’m sure you’ve heard of great bands such Iron Maiden, Megadeath, Opeth, etc. playing in Dubai, have you ever planned to give us a visit?

AMON AMARTH: We would like to play there we just havent got an offer yet.

JZ: What do you think of today's Swedish Death Metal scene, do you think the mainstream is invading it, or is it growing at a positive rate?

AMON AMARTH: I think its growing. Its the mainstream that is going down.

the bold are my Q's :D
i'm Ahmed Dahleh FYI

i think Johan S answered the Q's btw!
more interviews to come! (i mean different bands)
Its too late for the amon amarth interview but what I would really fucking like to know is why their newest releases come in a thicker than normal cd case that doesnt fit in places normal cases do :mad: