intresting canadian metal

Scarlett Letterman is correct on the name of the project and the album title may not be the most original either. Then again it's the music that matters most, so moving on. (I'd still go for throwing a bunch of different words together for an ID, but oh well.)
Listened to the MP3s and yeah, it does sound quite okay. I'm not into writing anything remotely like reviews anymore - been there, done that - so I'll just say Darkness Eternal to me stands for a slice of nice death metal from a guy who's not trying to take it somewhere he either can't or doesn't want to go, or a combination of the two. That being said, there's a good few nice breaks in his songs and I like the old school kind of grunt he's got going.
I've noticed a fair bit of interesting metal hailing from "Oh, Canada" lately (like, duh). Good news company wise for the Annihilators and Blasphemies in my collection. :heh: Thanks for sharing the link, Matt.