Hope I'm not being too invasive (if you don't want to answer this, then by all means don't

) but how are you going to give them a more vintage feel? With a different power amp?
First things first, I don't intend to hide anything, and I would gladly discuss my techniques at length with anyone
I'm going to do it using different power amp settings on the amp when I reamp. Thing is, when I make IRs I intend to provide the most honest broadband representation of the cabinet as I can, encompassing all guitar frequencies. Only problem is, CURRENTLY, there are more bright amp sims than there are dark amp sims, so where these settings work just fine when I use them for reamping with a tube amp, they MAY under certain circumstances prove a hair bright depending on the sim and settings that you use. Some amp sims just have a dirty top end, period. This probably doesn't apply to people who run a tube preamp into an IR though. With that said, I do not think my current run IRs are "bright", just open and uncompressed sounding. I have used much brighter IRs from other IR sources. Either way, it never hurts to prepare for a wide range of gear and tastes.
Here is one of my IR packs from way back when I was just getting started making IRs.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8838613/JakeAC5253 - Impulses V2.zip
These IRs are very outdated, and the quality is nothing compared to my current run IRs, but it works to illustrate my point. All of my current run IR packs were done using the Alpha power amp settings from that pack. I've tried many different power amp settings when reamping, but I always end up coming back to what I consider "Alpha" because it just works 95% of the time (with differing preamp settings/boosts/mics of course). The "Vintage" packs will be made using the Beta settings from that pack, which is darker and with more of a focus on the fat lower mids. Taste in tone comes into play here as well. Keep in mind that V2 pack is quite outdated and I no longer care to use them myself since much of my rig and technique has changed since their making, but they are quite popular even today, and I sometimes get happy emails from people who use them. Hey, whatever works
Thanks for asking.