Regarding the present thread i have to say this:
-All videos posted on youtube about progpowerusa X are removed, if glenn contact me with a polite decent email and ask me nicelly to remove the videos i would remove them inmediatly, but instead he insulted and threatened me, but even with that email i decided to remove them myself, no problem, they were just a few little short vids anyway, i do this because i love progressive metal music and i want to help spread the word about it and give the bands the exposure they deserve, i made no profit at all for this, to the contrary, i have to pay for server expenses, design, updates and everything and i do it just to promote progmetal to the fans, if progpowerusa dont want that, thats ok, i will not post the videos just tell me and thats all, i had no problem with that. BTW i only upload vids from the showcase because there was not restriction about cameras that day, the days of the festival friday and sat i didnt even brought the camara to the venue, i took pics with the musicians and friends only with my cel.
-About the redemption cd i brought at the venue and i didnt knew it was not for sale yet! sorry for that, i removed the cd from the product list!, btw i was selling it with no profit at all (just like all cds on the store), just to help the band because here in mexico its almost imposible to buy progresive metal albums!!, anyway i removed that also, sorry for that nick! (btw nice seeing you and i hope everything goes well, you will beat this i know!)
-And about the oficcial distribution of Nightmare records in mexico let me tell you we had the full permision of Lance King to do this, he even authorize the banners, the text and all the website has about this, i dont know why lance says that this is "news from him!", thats not true, i know him for years and im a regular costumer of his site and he give me good prices for the reselling/distro in mexico, i even have ALL THE EMAILS he sent me authorizing this distribution, and he even had (in his old NMR website) a banner from perfectprog, i wrote lance and ask him to clarify this issue, i hope he does the right thing.
-Im friend of most of the musicians and no one never ask me to remove a video, contrary to that everyone thanked me for the support, i give away thirts, canvas, stickers, etc, all sort of publicity for free to the bands and promoters, i even invite several bands to play in mexico like Hourglass and others, and we make several concerts here always with a lot of loose of money of my wallet! because here its very hard to people to understand this kind of music, i want to end that, im a musician myself and we need help to promote our music, progressive metal its the most beautiful kind of music, a few videos wont hurt any band!
Im sorry if the videos hurt some feelings to the musicians of anyone, i just wanted to promote the music, this kind of music need more exposure thats all i can say, if you dont want me in the festival no more thats ok, no problem but dont do such a big thing about this.