Andy interviewed in an Israeli magazine

Ummm... I thought they were the biggest ever, correct me if I'm wrong!
In their 80s glory days they were big, but now they're all over the place and really enormous, just look at their tours - never been bigger IMO...
But I do agree they've been on a downhill slope musicwise. Ever since Bruce left after FOTD...

I thought that as well, Maiden needs no triggers, just nice natural drums.
But he worked it out really great with Accept, another classic 80s band, I see no reason why Maiden would be sounding unsuitably for their music...

And what, grab a 7 or 8 string with Lundgrens? Come on... :rolleyes:
There's nothing wrong with Strats whatsoever and theirs don't even sound like proper Strats so...

With this I wholeheartedly agree.... Since 1990.

I hate Andy Sneap's Traditional Metal Mixes. Takes the life outta them.
Love his work with modern bands.