Intromental Management signs ARTIZAN

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
For immediate release – January 4, 2010

Florida based metal band ARTIZAN signs with Intromental Management


Intromental Management is very thrilled to announce the signing of Jacksonville, Florida’s new melodic metal band ARTIZAN.

Formed by original members of acclaimed Century Media recording artist Leviathan, Artizan continues to craft powerful, melodic metal. Dynamic song structure, dominant rhythms and melodic hooks are key ingredients to the Artizan formula.

Singer Tom Braden's vocals have been described by Metal Maniacs magazine as "pure and towering." His distinctive tone, strength and range are fundamental elements that personify the Artizan sound. Hit Parader describes Tom as "a combination of Geoff Tate and John Arch."

Ty Tammeus is famous for his intense drumming. He applies a creative energy and is the driving impetus of Artizan. Ty has garnered favorable reviews in numerous publications including Modern Drummer and Metal Maniacs.

Guitarists' Shamus McConney and Hermanus Rombouts compliment one another with stomping rhythms and transcending harmonies. Churning riffs, melodic phrases and searing solos are woven throughout the tapestry of Artizan.

Drummer Ty Tammeus has the following to say about the deal with Intromental: "We believe Intromental is the perfect match for Artizan. Intromental has the ideal resources to find us a label that will introduce Artizan to the world."

Managing Director of Intromental Management, Claus Jensen says: “We’re excited about the possibilities in Artizan. A fantastic band with a contemporary, yet unique sound that will appeal to fans of classic metal, power metal and everything in between. With their newly recorded 3 song EP, Artizan is ready for the next step, and we at Intromental are behind them all the way.”

Tom Braden - vocals
Ty Tammeus - drums
Shamus McConney - rhythm guitars
Hermanus J. Rombouts - rhythm & lead guitars
Jonathan Jennings Jr. – bass


Check out samples from “Artizan” and read more information on the band at:

One full song, “Game Within A Game”, is available for download at:
Interesting band. I listened to the full song "Game Within a Game." Pretty good.
I don't think I've ever heard drums that high in the mix before!
Yah a very strange mix/master on that song. Worth following anyhow.

I was about to say something similar.

It's definitely a good song just based on the fact that I'm interested in hearing more, and I'm not the only one apparently. Has a nice groove to it and I do like the vocals. I do like Artizan better than a couple of the more recent bands Intromental has signed, but that's not based on anything but my personal tastes. Intromental bands are all talented in their own right.
Haha! No, I did not slip Jim Morris some extra cash to bring up the drums. No one ever commented on the drum levels until you guys. I think you will get the best perspective when you d/load the full EP from iTunes :-)

I do like when the drums stand out! Glad you guys like the material. Thanks.
