Invisibility option on the boards

Ethereal Sage

Mind Of Out Sight Of Out
Dec 30, 2001
In a cacoon
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Does anyone else find the invisibility option on the boards somewhat pointless?
I have had little experience with it myself, but find that it is made pointless as soon as the invisible person posts. It doesn't stop another person pming them at all...someone please explain, I am having a brain-fart session it seems :\
i guess someone might feel uncomfortable about the time he/she spends online. others want to lurk on some boards (no posts) without being seen or maybe prevent people from hunting them down on msn, icq or whatever whenever they notice said person has signed in on here.
clearly most of those who are in invisible mode fall under the same category as those who give anonymous bad rep, i.e. p-u-s-s-i-e-s. :p
Profånity said:
It's NOT pointless, there might be valid reasons you don't want a certain member to know you're online.

granted. but you must admit in that case killing him is faster and requires considerably less effort than actually changing options in your profile page. i mean, what the fuck. :rolleyes:
Weapon X said:
Lethe your like in a submarine and you just dropped your wrench, now we know your here :P

indeed this is true.... however, did the submarine go away, or did it just hide itself well....? this is the perplexing question that you all must ask yourselves.....
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rahvin said:
i guess someone might feel uncomfortable about the time he/she spends online. others want to lurk on some boards (no posts) without being seen or maybe prevent people from hunting them down on msn, icq or whatever whenever they notice said person has signed in on here.
clearly most of those who are in invisible mode fall under the same category as those who give anonymous bad rep, i.e. p-u-s-s-i-e-s. :p
Hmm... I'm invisible now... guess I could change that back. :p

Wow... everyone feel enlightened, you can see that I'm online now... :Spin:

Thankyou everyone for your input :)

Another question, a bit more hypothetical this time...
How would you feel if yourself and a couple of your closest friends had telepathic ability, as in being able to communicate simply by thinking? What would you do with your ability?

At least semi-serious answers please :)