

Viva Lonliness!
Mar 8, 2002
The Third Place
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I don't mean to spam but some of us wanted to invite the ppl misssing from the old IF-board to the new one.

@DoAsIsAyNoTaSiDo: We are still missing you

@Golden Celta: Wherever you are, come and join us

The board is here
We're just trying to invite people that were on the old board and we realize that a lot of people in here used to go to the original board. The setup is exactly the same, just different colors. That's basically the only difference. (I'm a moderator) It would be very nice to see some of the old board members there. :)
Yeah :lol: :lol: :lol:

Calling you a Swedish Apeboy is pretty funny isn't it? Priceless! :D

Remember the time, in the days before the dreadful October 25th, the shocking day that changed the entire world forever, when you said that nobody cares about my useless opinions and that I should die? That was funny too!

Actually I can't join your gay board. I post too much elsewhere and do not want to be tempted to post even more. Although you make it extremely hard when you say terrible things about me over at the gay board. Do you realize how red my face turns when you do that? Like this: :mad: And when I can't do anything about it I just... die with pain!

But I have a plan. If I don't sign up, I can't post! So that's what I do. I don't sign up. And the day is saved! Both for you and for me. Unfortunately I'm already signed up here, so nothing can stop me from posting.

Oh and MouseWoman, I forgot to tell you that Studio Palmman is down because some moron who owns the webspace deleted it. Sorry. But it's in my hard drive, and I might make an updated Studio Palmman Hollywood some day.
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Yeah :lol: :lol: :lol:

Calling you a Swedish Apeboy is pretty funny isn't it? Priceless! :D

Remember the time, in the days before the dreadful October 25th, the shocking day that changed the entire world forever, when you said that nobody cares about my useless opinions and that I should die? That was funny too!

Actually I can't join your gay board. I post too much elsewhere and do not want to be tempted to post even more. Although you make it extremely hard when you say terrible things about me over at the gay board. Do you realize how red my face turns when you do that? Like this: :mad: And when I can't do anything about it I just... die with pain!

But I have a plan. If I don't sign up, I can't post! So that's what I do. I don't sign up. And the day is saved! Both for you and for me. Unfortunately I'm already signed up here, so nothing can stop me from posting.

Oh and MouseWoman, I forgot to tell you that Studio Palmman is down because some moron who owns the webspace deleted it. Sorry. But it's in my hard drive, and I might make an updated Studio Palmman Hollywood some day.

I think I speak for the entire board when I quote

"You will be missed, dear Mattias

i'm just curious as to what are the characteristics of a "gay" board... pink and yellow as background colours? :rolleyes:

once i tutored two boys who used to throw "gay" as an insult. although i wouldn't expect either of them to learn to use a board online efficiently in the next decade, after all they were pretty bright. after all.

It's not so much about how the board looks as it is about the reactions you get from sensitive and proud anti-homophobes (gay people) who think Golden Celta (and that American "NOT" joke) is funny.

Well, it's time for me to go drink some BEER and some smoke some CRACK!! But don't worry, I'll be back in 5 minutes and post here stoned. It's a thing I saw them doing over at the gay board and I thought I'd give that a try too. It looks really cool, not sad at all.
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night

Oh and MouseWoman, I forgot to tell you that Studio Palmman is down because some moron who owns the webspace deleted it. Sorry. But it's in my hard drive, and I might make an updated Studio Palmman Hollywood some day.
Thanks for clearing that up... I looked for it on Google. It was gone, but I found the cached version... but without the pictures. I'm use Hollywood is going to rock. :D
@mattias of the night: i can believe a lot of anti-homophobes may be idiots, but i seriously doubt homophobes can be anything else.

p.s. you didn't come back stoned so we could appreciate the difference. ;)

Ah, this brings back memories of the good ol´ In Flames-forum. M.o.t.N. destroying all opposition.