IOfTheStorm - Helstar. and why did you run away after the show?


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I wanted us to have a picture together, damnit!
and plus, why didn't you come to Texas afterwards? :confused: the best night of the whole 2 weeks in Greece.

and add plus) the show :worship:

pics to come later, I even made a nice video o_O :D

now this was a nice warm sophisticated welcome. :tickled:
not knocked up yet, nor will I be in the future 5 yrs, that's a part of the cosmoplan...

oh, and I have met the nicest and sweetest person in the world, btw. :Spin: except for metalized. whom I also met. :loco:
Hey hey. I "ran away" because i had to sleep (work next morning) , i was pretty much exhausted (did i spell that right?) because of that godly show + a friend of mine had the car to go back home eheh. Anyway next time you can pm me before (obviously).
Helstar destroyed everything. Greetings to met.
I sorta could, but won't. I won't go to Greece for some time now. it was too tiring. it's not vacation, it's a visit, and I can't take much of that. greek ways are a bit :ill: to me. I don't mean the "metal scene" part....

however, I'll try to give a shape and form to some pictures now, and post them here. :)

oh, and James destroyed everything. alright!