IR for lead guitars


Jul 23, 2008
Guys, a hande here. Wich IR are you guys using for lead guitars tone ? Also, if we can have some EQ tips for lead guitars here would be nice too. Thank you guys !
Same as for the rhythm guitar really.
Tips for lead guitar- treat it the exact same as a vocal mixing wise, boost the same areas, high pass it severly. a little delay/verb to help it sit in. possibly even add some compression /automation if its too dynamic
well something that I find if you're running software pre amps is that the level of lead playing is less than rhythm so you need to stick a boost in there before the software pre to maintain the tone for lead sections- compressors work well at this I've found,
Two words: Condenser mics.
Strangely, I don't have any impulses of those as of yet, but I'd love to try a few.

What I do now is: I use the Pod's stock impulses. heh!
it never hurts to try to make a guitar sound like a guitar by recording the guitar through an amp. and using mics. and mic cords.

What hurts it that I have no amp and no good mics here. I do have the mic cords thou... sorry if it is a G0D THAT'S S0 N00B13 question but I'm trying to make my sound as better as I can with what I have right now: free amp sim and IRs... :)